God gave each of us an important job, regardless of whether you are a janitor or a Fortune 500 executive. He gave the stay-at-home mom and the preacher the same honor of using His name to go to the world!
You decide the source of life that is put in you. It is not your government, family, culture, color or age that decides what you say and believe and see in your life. Let that which comes from you be life to others!
God created us for dignity and with a purpose! He created us to know His love and goodness through our relationship with Him, and to take that love and goodness out into the world with us and share it with others. How do we do that? “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give”! (Matthew 10:8)
Do you recognize the importance of your dreams? Many dismiss their dreams because they dismiss themselves. Don’t let life, people, failure, or your present condition keep you from the seed of a dream in your heart!
Your life can be summed up by what you know, and what you do with what you know. What you know is your faith, and what you do with what you know is your ministry.
The record we have of Jesus is just the beginning of His work. You are the continuation. The gospel according to your life can be the story of Jesus working in the 21st century!
The Gospel comes in two forms: words and actions. I recall what Henry Ford, the great auto industrialist, said to the preacher after one Sunday morning at church. “Preacher, that was a great message, but if you worked for me I’d fire you.” “Why??” the preacher asked. Ford replied, “You prepared us all for action, but left us with nothing to do.”
When I walk out the airplane door and onto the airport runway to face a crowd of people who have been waiting, planning, and expecting good things from my visit, I am the embodiment of hope for that nation.
I am not concerned about how many witch doctors have planned to put curses on me. I am not concerned about how many news articles the religious hierarchy may have paid for to give negative press to our coming.
Rather, I posture my thoughts to be a blessing. I consider the great prophecies that have gone before us concerning the day that we live in. I consider the great promises that Jesus has spoken concerning those who go in His Name. I consider the great need of hurting humanity and the goods news that God has paid the price to meet that need.
These are the things that inspire me as I consider traveling thousands of miles to stand in front of the lost, sick, poverty stricken and fearful society of a nation. The living church is the cure for the world and the world is the cause for the church!
Do the same as you walk out your door this morning!
The sweet life is simple when you’re sincere. It’s wonderful to be doing something today that I started doing 30 years ago, enjoying it more today than ever before. It’s a wonder to wake up every morning feeling like there is important work to be done on the earth, knowing every bit of your energy will be needed. You get cleaned up and ready to go for Big Kingdom Business every day.
God has done a marvelous thing for human beings! He has attached His eternal value to everything we do. We are not measured by others opinions of what we do…only by our attitude in a desire to please Him and serve others as we do it.
The top industrialist can carry this attitude as well as the most humble street cleaner. The most popular TV preacher can do it as well as the quiet country pastor who no one may know. When connected to deity, Jesus said even the giving of a glass of water is not unnoticed. That energizes me to think that everything counts. Jesus is not looking at what you have… but what you do with what you have.
Today as you start off with your first cup of coffee, don’t start complaining about what you don’t have. Don’t put off life until a future time when you look more blessed. Enjoy the moment! Make the most of it with a sincere joy in your heart that you have another day on earth to do good, knowing that it counts for eternity!
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” Luke 4:18-19.
Jesus found Himself in the scripture and read from it to the people in the synagogue, afterward declaring, “This day this is fulfilled in your ears.” This day. What did He announce? “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…”
I have a question for you. Have you found the place where it is written of you, and have you announced to your home, your community, your city, your family, your workplace and all that you put your hands to that the Spirit of the Lord is upon you to deliver good news?
Take the word “preach” out, and instead insert speak, communicate, bake an apple pie, do an act of kindness…but do it and let them know why you’re doing it. We don’t need to hide it!
Have you found where it is written of you? I have!