It Is Finished!

Jesus walked the earth as a man, born of God without a sin nature. That meant the devil had absolutely no ability to touch Him, because sin was what was holding mankind under his slavery. When Jesus destroyed the works of the devil against us by paying the price for our sin, we became as He was in the earth—free from sin! Forgiven and made righteous! Healed, delivered and blameless in the Father’s sight! IT IS FINISHED!

Only God Can Transform You

When we submit to God’s Word and continue to claim it as who we are, no matter how messed up we may be in the now, we are allowing GOD to work His Word out in us, activating the power in it to renew our minds and transform our thinking. Then what? We begin to live, move and have our being in the real, transformed, Kingdom-life Jesus has given to us!

Who is God?

People wonder, who IS God?? God is APPROACHABLE, PERSONABLE, FORGIVING, KIND, COMPASSIONATE, HEALING, LOVING, UNCHANGING, DEPENDABLE, JOYFUL, PATIENT—and this is just the tip of who our wonderful GOD is. He is in your corner and FOR you! Allow Him to be and do everything He desires to in your life!

Love Wins

If you’re feeling like a captive on a boat that’s being upended because of someone else’s decisions or actions, don’t give in to anger and fear! Remember, if you’re born again then Jesus is not only with you on the boat, He lives in you! You possess His ability to remain in love, and in His name you can speak peace to those storms!

No Fear Here

The name of the game is NO FEAR HERE! Allow God to breathe His life and whisper His wisdom into your heart. Commune with Him to pick up on His signals. He has direction for you in the midst of even the most difficult times!

Free and Fearless

I’m not afraid of the devil because God lives IN me! I’ve been delivered for all time from sin, and the devil has no claim on me and no part in me! That means I’m healed! I’ve been delivered! I’ve been set free to live in the same blessing and authority that Jesus had in the earth!

How Big is Your God?

God doesn’t change, but OUR perspective of His ability and His bigness does. The size of a person’s God is reflected in the types of prayers he prays. Our prayers are more a reflection of our condition than of God’s ability. The only way to get a bigger God is see through His eyes!

You Have to Know to Grow

You don’t need to fight against what Jesus has already defeated for you—but you do have to learn from God’s Word everything that you’ve been given.  How will you ever receive and walk in what you don’t even know you have?

Act on Your Authority

The devil will know you if you take a stand. An ambassador doesn’t have to pray to act as an ambassador. He doesn’t need to pray to exercise his authority, all he needs to do is act like who his government says he is. An ambassador doesn’t need to pray to stamp your passport or approve your visit. No, he or she has the power to act, and they don’t hesitate to do it. Don’t wait on heaven anymore! It’s time to act on who you are in Christ!

Eternal and Unchanging

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 3:8). He forgave sinners in the Bible, and forgives sinners today. He restored the deaf and lame people in Jerusalem, and restores the deaf and lame now where you live. He heard the prayers of people in that day, and hears your prayer in this day. He blessed people then, and still blesses people today!