Here You Are

Never let someone else tell you who you are! Just as Jesus found Himself in the scriptures, you can find yourself in the scriptures too. And when you do, you will discover who you are and who you are called to be!

You Have Everything You Need

Jesus is not only with the Christian but He is IN the Christian; yet many are full of fears and worries, gloom and doom—waiting for a bail out by something bigger or “better.” Only when you know and understand Who is both with you and in you, will you will rise to the new levels of confidence to walk in the position of authority you have been given!

If You Didn’t Like Your Past, Make a Better Future!

My friend, your future is in your hands. God has already cast His vote for you. He paid for it all. He believes in you, and when you are born again He comes to live IN you to see your miracle come to pass. He had a plan and picture of your destiny from the foundation of the earth. Your faith decision mixed with His wonderful, unmerited, undeserved favor will bring it to pass. It’s NOT based on what life throws at you, and THE DEVIL CANNOT STOP YOU!

If it’s in the Way, MOVE IT!

When we know who Jesus is, we know who we are. And when we know who we are, we know what we can do.  This is why mountains, obstacles, troubles, and anything else that keeps us from being the best that God made us to be can be removed when we speak!


You Won’t Sink!

If you’re feeling like a captive on a boat that’s being hurled around because of someone else’s decisions or actions, don’t give in to anger and worrying! Remember, if you’re born again then Jesus is not only with you on the boat, He lives inside you! You are NOT powerless, you have the name of Jesus and His authority to speak to those storms!

Share Your Testimony

Never underestimate the importance of your personal testimony, no matter how insignificant it may seem. The potential of your words in a heart that is ready to receive it is as explosive as one little match in a mountain of dry wood!

Say It!

We should be speaking the Word of God out loud! Why? As we hear what we are saying we are increasing in faith and in strength, and can now resist whatever attack is trying to come against us!

The Ultimate Prescription

If you haven’t yet developed the habit of taking the “medicine” of God’s Word for health, life, and resisting sickness and disease, you can start today! And when you do, you’ll discover that down the road you’ll be able to walk through the midst any epidemic with no fear!

The Divine Antibiotic

How do you begin to live a life of consistent results? Begin with your thoughts! Fill the treasure chest of your mind with the truth and expectation from God’s Word, instead of the thoughts of fear and dread the world is continually trying to infect you with. When you make a practice of this, life will begin to look as bright on the outside as you are making it on the inside!

Focus on Your Seed, Not Your Need

If we don’t learn to see through the eyes of our faith we will only see our need. Faith doesn’t look at the need, faith looks at the seed of God’s Word as the supply for every situation!