You can change negative thoughts in a moment with your words, because your mind can’t think a different thought than your mouth is speaking. Look in God’s Word for what you should be saying; He always has a positive answer!
You have the same faith that Jesus has. It is a faith that has confidence in the unseen and is not based on any evidence other than the Word of God. This faith moves mountains and brings answers to prayer!
What is the position we take when we have unanswered prayers? We stand firm and never quit! Elijah prayed 7 times for it to rain. He didn’t quit at the 6th time and start teaching his disciples why God doesn’t always answer. No! He persisted and received rain the 7th time! 1 Kings 18:42-44
You can actually enjoy the process of going through tough moments by looking for the good in them. The things you can change, by all means change, but the things you cannot change should not have the right to dominate your life!
The Spirit of God within us inspires us with His thoughts, which equips us to face all of the evils of darkness with the same calmness, confidence, and presence of mind that Jesus demonstrated.
I have walked the ‘be strong and of good courage’ path for many years with nothing more than the Word of GOD in my heart, a positive confession in my mouth, and a small band of committed partners. I have seen His miracles and I KNOW that GOD will never fail us! He is true to HIS Word!
God is not like some powerful dictator. He’s kind. He’s full of love and mercy. The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:16)! He’s calling to each of us, “Come! Let’s sit together and talk! Remind Me. Tell Me what I have promised you. Remind Me and I will do it for you. Show Me by your own words that you are ready, that you are willing to believe Me. I want to bless you and I can do what I have promised” (Isaiah 43:26).
Right now you and I can embrace the reality that no giant of sickness and disease, NO giant that comes against THE LIVING GOD, can exist in the presence of the One who lives in us, who believes in us, and who goes about doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the devil!
Every born-again believer is walking in this earth with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling in them, quickening and giving life to their mortal body (Romans 8:11). We should be addressing sickness and disease with authority by commanding our bodies to line up with the Word of God and to be made whole!
You as a child of God have been given dominion over viruses, bacteria, fungi, germs, and micro-organisms! You can speak to that life, cursing it at its root and commanding it to die, because it is not of God. Sickness is from the devil, it’s an oppression that has come to destroy your life!