Say What God Says

Many people fail to receive what they pray for because of lack of understanding about confession. The word confession in the Greek language means “saying the same thing.”

This means we are to believe and say only what God says about our sins, sicknesses and everything else included in our redemption. When our affirmation is the Word of God, He watches over it to make it good.


Living the Will of God

There is no better way to understand the will of God than by reading the gospels. The life of Jesus was a revelation and a manifestation of the unchanging love and will of God. He acted out the will of God for us!

Make the Devil Suffer

Our faith moves God into action, so start praising God and begin thanking Him for being healed and delivered. Instead of listening to the devil and his lies, make him listen to you praising God for His promises!

God’s Word is the Last Word

The practice of medicine is a blessing of the Lord given to us by God, and I encourage you to pray for your doctor. Pray that he or she would have wisdom in working with you, but remember, we are not to accept the doctors’ report as the final report. Instead, believe the Word of God that proclaims, “By His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).  

God’s Got You Covered!

There is no condition too difficult for the Lord! Jesus healed every disease and sickness. The scripture promises that gifts of healings are available.

There are multiple gifts and multiple types of healing available for the infirmed. What an encouragement to realize that God has your condition covered!


Use Your Authority

When Jesus spoke, sickness, disease, poverty and affliction would flee. You and I are in the same structure of authority as Jesus. When we speak, things happen!

Three Witnesses

In every situation of sickness and disease, we have three witnesses. One of those witnesses is what your senses are telling you about the symptoms you’re experiencing.

The second witnesses is the Word of God. The truth, if you will, that God speaks about your situation.

The pain declares that the sickness and diseases are not healed, the symptoms are still present and that the Word of God is not true.

The third witness that we have is the sick person. And that sick one has the opportunity to place his or her testimony alongside the Word of God and refuse to take the testimony of the pain or the symptoms—declaring that “by the stripes of Jesus, I AM HEALED!”

The Final Authority

The Word of God is the truth, the Word is our standard—there is a big difference between the natural facts and the reality that God’s Word is the final truth on the situation!

What’s in Your Heart?

My confession is an expression of what I am believing in my heart. The Bible tells us in Matthew 12:34 that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” In other words, whatever is in you in abundance is going to come out!

You Call It!

Your words, because they possess the power of life and death, very often determine your outcome. If God calls you healed through the plan and purpose of redemption in Jesus Christ, what are you calling for? Are you calling for sickness and disease, or are you calling for life and healing?