You’re the Boss

There are hundreds of books out today talking about the power of the devil. Sure, they’re there, but why be so devil conscious? We don’t glorify a defeated liar! Devils and Jesus cannot cohabit in the same place. Jesus Christ lives in you! When you show up, they shouldn’t want to hang around!

Adjust Your Focus

The Word of God is more important than any newspaper or magazine, more important than a movie, your social media accounts or any other book you may want to read. God’s Word is the first and most important thing we should all be focusing on!

Fill Your Faith Tank

Your spiritual man is designed by God to live on faith filled words. Words of faith naturally coming from your lips. No faith and you have no spiritual life. Air is to the natural body what faith is to the spiritual body!

Free and Fearless

I’m not afraid of the devil because God lives IN me! I’ve been delivered for all time from sin, and the devil has no claim on me and no part in me! That means I’m healed! I’ve been delivered! I’ve been set free to live in the same blessing and authority that Jesus had in the earth!

How Big is Your God?

God doesn’t change, but OUR perspective of His ability and His bigness does. The size of a person’s God is reflected in the types of prayers he prays. Our prayers are more a reflection of our condition than of God’s ability. The only way to get a bigger God is see through His eyes!

Act on Your Authority

The devil will know you if you take a stand. An ambassador doesn’t have to pray to act as an ambassador. He doesn’t need to pray to exercise his authority, all he needs to do is act like who his government says he is. An ambassador doesn’t need to pray to stamp your passport or approve your visit. No, he or she has the power to act, and they don’t hesitate to do it. Don’t wait on heaven anymore! It’s time to act on who you are in Christ!

Living Sacrifices

By confidently declaring to the Lord what we believe and thanking Him that His Word is true in our spirit, soul, body and circumstances, we are presenting ourselves to Him as living sacrifices. This is our spiritual worship, as we come to Him—regardless of what we might be experiencing in the moment—and affirming that what was done in and for us as new creations in Christ overrides every circumstance, thought and feeling to the contrary!

Declaration of Dependence

“Lord Jesus, THANK YOU that You went to the cross and took away all of my sin. You took every form of sickness and disease upon Yourself, and You died for me. Now I see every sin, failure, fear, and problem, every weakness, sickness, tumor, and autoimmune disease laid upon You 2,000 years ago. Lord Jesus, I know I am crucified with You, and now I live, yet not I, but You are alive in me!  Thank You that I have exchanged my old life and my old body for YOUR life and YOUR health!  I have come out of the grave and am now saved, healed and delivered! I am a child of the living God, and I thank You that I have no fear of tomorrow, I have no fear of any diagnosis, and I have no fear of failure or sin, because I am in You and You are in me!”

You’ve Got The Answer

When Jesus sent out the disciples, He told them the solution He planned for sick people. What was it? Their hands. Now, YOUR hands are a vehicle of His power, because He lives in you! Your hand is His hand, because in Christ, you walk in the same power and authority He did in the earth!

Take Off Those Graveclothes!

When Jesus called Lazarus forth out of that tomb in John chapter 11, as soon as He called him forth He said, “unwrap him and let him go.” Why is this important? Because many believers are still bound up in the thinking and habits of the old sin nature, instead of putting on the new man we have become in Christ! If you are in Christ, you have not only been brought back from the dead into a brand new life, you have been unwrapped and transitioned into a new kingdom!