Choose Freedom

As human beings we possess something very different than the rest of creation. We possess the ability to forgive.  No matter what the world says, you do NOT have to remain a prisoner of hatred, fear and anger.

Our Finest Hour is Now!

This is Christianity’s finest hour! There will be no better time than this to awaken the Body of Christ and demonstrate to the spiritual seekers that the Jesus we speak of is not another dead prophet, but a resurrected Lord who is calling out to them to give them life while there is still time!

You Are FREE!

Do you see that when Jesus died on the cross He took all your sins and all your sicknesses? The Lord Jesus delivered you from the devil’s captivity and gave you freedom—freedom from any kind of bondage, sickness or disease!

It’s Time to Talk

God is not like some powerful dictator. He’s kind. He’s full of love and mercy. The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:16)! He’s calling to each of us, “Come! Let’s sit together and talk! Remind Me. Tell Me what I have promised you. Remind Me and I will do it for you. Show Me by your own words that you are ready, that you are willing to believe Me. I want to bless you and I can do what I have promised” (Isaiah 43:26).

Dream Seeds

Don’t let life, people, past failure or your present condition keep you from the seed of a dream in your heart. It doesn’t matter how bad your past is. You might say your sins are as dark as mud, but even a glass of mud will be drinkable if you keep pouring clean, fresh water into it!

Reset and Reconnect

What can you do when you find yourself disconnected with yourself, your dreams, your past, and your family? There is always a way back! You have been left with a letter from heaven; a voice from a place that is unchanging, a book of ideas that are confirmed to all who choose to believe them. Locate yourself in the Bible and preach it to yourself!

Keep an Attitude of Gratitude

With an attitude of gratitude, we can soar to the heights where new hope, new strength and new life are found. Today, let’s celebrate and be thankful for the SIMPLE things of life no matter how insignificant they may seem!

When There Seems to be No Way

Jesus demonstrated that He will be in the midst of any pit you find yourself in when He went ahead of you to the lowest pit of all.  He went to hell with your worst problem, the sin which separated you from God.  If you’re born again He lives in you now, so there’s no valley too deep, no pit too dark, or storm too strong, where you won’t find Jesus there with you ready to deliver you!

The Lord is Our Peace

Jehovah Shalom means “The Lord is our peace.” This word shalom literally has the essence of nothing broken, everything fixed, everything being repaired. Shalom is total restoration and total peace for all that we need. This is God extending Himself to humanity saying, “I love you!”

Forgiveness is a Decision

Even after you have chosen to forgive, memories of wrongs suffered and the associated negative feelings will still try to rise up. But hold on to forgiveness! Remind yourself that you made a decision to forgive!