Take Off Those Graveclothes!

When Jesus called Lazarus forth out of that tomb in John chapter 11, as soon as He called him forth He said, “unwrap him and let him go.” Why is this important? Because many believers are still bound up in the thinking and habits of the old sin nature, instead of putting on the new man we have become in Christ! If you are in Christ, you have not only been brought back from the dead into a brand new life, you have been unwrapped and transitioned into a new kingdom!

Whose Side are You On?

You may be looking at healing as something phenomenal and beyond your reach. Two of the 12 spies looked at the giants in the promised land and said, “Don’t fear them, the Lord is with us! We can do this, these giants are nothing to us!” The other spies looked at those same giants with an entirely different perspective, saying, “They’re stronger than us—we’re nothing but grasshoppers in their sight!” Which perspective do you have of healing?

New Man, New Plan

The disciples didn’t really understand what was happening as Jesus hung on the cross. There, Christ took our sin and gave us HIS life in return! We became God’s righteousness on earth—the habitation of His Holy Spirit! We are enabled and empowered to act as Christ in the earth, because He now lives IN us. The disciples saw a man, but God saw humanity!

Here and Now Power

Why do we keep pointing to what Jesus did, said, and what is recorded of Him in the bible? Because He is the true picture of who WE are. He has set the bar for what God’s original intention is for us, the new creation. Then He paid every price so we could fully live in that reality—not in the sweet by and by of heaven—but in the here and now on earth!

Your Chains are Gone

The great tragedy of this world is not the fall of mankind, but the realization that multiplied millions don’t know what Jesus has done for them. They don’t understand that they have been released and set totally free from slavery to the effects of sin and darkness—and all God is asking them to do is believe it and receive it!

His Truth—Your Reality

To the religious leader of Jesus’ day healing was easier, even acceptable. To the religious in our day, forgiveness of sin is easier, acceptable. But we can read in God’s Word that Jesus bore away both our diseases AND our sin! The moment you were born again you entered the kingdom of God, where in His eyes, you are completely forgiven and healed. When you begin to say what God says, regardless of how you may be feeling, and allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind to the truth of it, it will become your reality!

The Life You Were Created to Live

There will be a moment in time when you will leave your physical body for a new home in heaven, but in Christ, your eternal life has already begun! You have been raised up with Him and are seated, not next to Him, but IN Him, in heavenly places! You are one spirit with Him and the Kingdom of God lives in you!

Presenting Yourself to God

“Lord Jesus, I thank You and take by faith the healing and deliverance You have given to me. Thank You that ALL things are now possible to me, because I believe Your ‘power of the possible’ is effectually working in my life. Thank You that I’m healed, I’m delivered and I am FREE!”

Hidden With Christ in the Father

When you were born again, you and the Father were made friends again. In Christ, you were brought back into the Father as He desired from the beginning. You were empty and without purpose, but now Christ lives IN you, and you do His works in the earth. You’re a new creation with a new life—in God’s eyes, a person without a past!

The Caretaker of Your Soul

There is only one way to overcome the pain and torment of your soul, the pain of your sickness and the fear and the torment that is in your mind, and that is to come to the Lord Jesus Christ and give it all to Him. And as you leave it all with Him—trusting Him as your caretaker—His peace will fill your mind and your spirit, soul and body, and raise you to a new level of life and health!