Brand New You

We are given a truth that cries out to the ages for all who are broken, defeated, bound, weak, sad, lost, sick and fearful.  What is that truth? It is the discovery of a NEW BEGINNING. God is not trying to repair what sin and satan have broken; He starts you off as a NEW CREATION—a brand new being!

He Loves You This Much!

How much does God love you? Isaiah 49:16 says God loves you so much that He has engraved your name on the palm of His hand. Matthew 10:30 says He loves you so much that He knows how many hairs are on your head. Psalm 56:8 says He loves you so much that He saves your tears in a bottle. Jeremiah 31:3 says He loves you with an everlasting love—an undying, endless love!

Take What Belongs to You

“Lord Jesus, I see you upon that cross, crucified for me. My sicknesses, diseases and every infirmity were upon You on that cross. Therefore, right now I receive my new body and my recreated spirit. I receive a sound mind and every part and system of my body made completely whole. I reach out, Lord, and I take what belongs to me. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed 2,000 years ago, and because it was done for me then, I am healed NOW! I thank you Father God and I receive it in the name of Jesus!”

Free Indeed

God does not condemn us! God gives us access to His righteousness, His freedom, His Zoe kind of life for our world and everyone in our world. He erased the certificate of debt which listed all the rules we failed to follow with its decrees that were against us—destroying it and nailing it to the cross! “The Lord has taken away the judgments against you; he has cleared away your enemies” (Zephaniah 3:15).

Victor Mentality

Why would Jesus Christ die on a cross and take my sin if He didn’t have a plan for my success? Everyone should be planning for success, because the One who lives in you by His Spirit defeated your enemy! “The Lord has taken away the judgments against you; he has cleared away your enemies” (Zephaniah 3:15).

The True You

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see your weaknesses, your inadequacies, your imperfections? Or, do you see what God sees? He sees you IN CHRIST—holy, blameless, free from accusation and accepted as a dearly loved child! He sees you as complete and more than a conqueror, because the conqueror lives IN YOU!

Declaring Your Victory Prayer

“Father God, today is my day! I see my enemy defeated, decapitated and openly paraded. Father, Your army, Your Son, the host of angels, have defeated my enemy and I believe Your Word. Today I expect that the strength of Your healing power, Your promises, Your grace, Your love, Your might and your deliverance is being extended to me. Today I receive my healing and my deliverance! I say in the name of Jesus, I am free and I am made whole!”

A New View of You

Believe in yourself! You can’t be truly effective in the world until you gain an understanding of how much God loves and values you. Look in the mirror and tell the person you see that in God’s eyes you are a winner and an overcomer. Not because of any abilities or skills on your part, but because when you accepted Christ, He came to live in you and brought all of His love and ability with Him!

Kingdom Thinking

You are destined for success! But to get there, you have to put off your old thought life and put on the thought life of a new creation. Your old way of thinking is who you were in Adam, and is what most people are accustomed to because that has always been their reality. But you, as a New Creation in Christ, have a DIFFERENT reality that has is based on what GOD says, NOT what the world or past experience says.  The world thinks, “this is the way it is, therefore this is the way it will always be.” No! You’re a NEW Creation! Get in the Word and bring your thinking up to KINGDOM reality!

The Feelings Will Follow

God has deposited a vision in every heart to reach the world. When Jesus enters your life, a compassion for the rest of the world enters with Him. If you’re not feeling it, then it’s time to renew your mind to who God’s Word says you are and how much He loves you. The feelings will follow!