What the World Needs Now

What does the world need? They need a revelation of the Father—John 3:16—“For God so loved the world.”  Do you understand how powerful that is, or have you just skimmed over the surface? Do you take it lightly, or do you realize that this love broke the power of every demonic power that exists?

Change Your Perspective

To be seated in Christ is to take a chair in a high position. There you find your place of rest. When you see yourself seated in this chair, you get a new perspective on your earthly problems. Our prayers are pointed downward toward the mountains on earth below us. We are no longer looking upward for help! A change of perspective can give a change of result!

All Means Everybody

The fact that God ever healed anyone is the best proof that healing is provided for us today. The reality that ALL who touched Him were healed in His day paints the picture of reality for us now. If He is the same “yesterday, today and forever,” then ALL who touch Him today shall be healed (Hebrews 13:8)!


If we could see people through God’s eyes then we would win the world, but instead we see them through our own eyes, labeling them with a big sign that says “Sinner.” Have you ever asked how much that “sinner” is worth?  How much God paid for them?  It was the price of His Son.  How much are you and I worth?  The same. The difference is, they don’t know it.  When we truly understand this, we will be motivated to tell them.

None of These Things Move Me

If you can get the proper perspective and understanding of how God sees you and how intensely He loves you, you will have a foundation that cannot be moved by the storms of life. You can stand fast regardless of feelings and emotions, circumstances, people, bad reports and symptoms!

Go Ye!

God gave each of us an important job, regardless of whether you are a janitor or a Fortune 500 executive.  He gave the stay-at-home mom and the preacher the same honor of using His name to go to the world!

Authority is Yours

The Bible says that through the name of Jesus we have authority over the devil, and over sickness and disease. Therefore, when we pray we use the authority that God gave us through Jesus Christ. We can boldly command, “In the name of Jesus, sickness, you must leave my body,” and then continue to stand strong on God’s Word!

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

In tennis, if you take your eye off the ball you lose sight of the only thing you can control. If you allow yourself to be distracted, defeat is guaranteed. It is vitally important that you make a quality decision to keep your eye on your goal. Celebrate it. Pray about it. Think on it only. Jesus said that whatever you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it and you shall have it!

God’s Word is Our Protection

Unfortunately, this world is imperfect and there are many diseases out there, but God has given us protection from all of them. We can compare it with the door of our house—we lock the doors so that no stranger can get into the house. Similarly, we need to learn how to use the Word of God to resist all diseases and infirmities and walk in divine health. And if an illness comes knocking in our house, we can shut the door and lock it securely.

YOU Decide

You decide the source of life that is put in you. It is not your government, family, culture, color or age that decides what you say and believe and see in your life. Let that which comes from you be life to others!