Drawing Your Destiny

What God has written in your heart, when spoken from your lips, is like a spiritual magnet that draws the favor, circumstances, and people necessary to see it fulfilled. Temporary course changes, shortage, shrinkage, or setback does not affect future fulfillment!

Everything You Need

In a day when so many think and talk of what they don’t have, or used to have, or would like to have, it’s very important to take stock of what you DO have. If you are a child of God, then you know you have Jesus Christ living in you and you are never alone!

Guard Your Heart

The picture you have in your heart is more important than what you have in your wallet, your past, your friends, your education, or anything else. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows your life!

You Are Not Dismissed!

Do you recognize the importance of your dreams? Many dismiss their dreams because they dismiss themselves. Don’t let life, people, failure, or your present condition keep you from the seed of a dream in your heart!

Under Our Feet

Scripture tells us in Ephesians 1:6 that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the challenges you will face on this earth. Our position in Christ is secure, and if we will look at ourselves from His perspective we will rise above the mountains and the enemies before us!

Healed NOW!

Jesus paid the price for our sin and sickness and disease on the cross. So it’s not, “I’m GOING to be healed,” but rather, “I AM healed already! Not because I feel healed or look healed, but because the Word of God is more powerful than the way I feel or look!”

NO Limits!

You might have been born into a poor family, with a poor education and poor friends in a poor neighborhood, but you do NOT have to stay there! There is no one limiting you. You are not a prisoner of your past, your neighborhood, your status or lack of education. When Christ comes to live in you there is a new power in operation!

Intersect and Intercept

Never allow your fears of what people think of you prevent you from sharing the gospel. You are the worker God has sent to intercept for Christ every life that intersects your path. Don’t let those opportunities pass you by!

Prayer Makes the Difference

The average Christian has a hit or miss attitude towards prayer. For some it is an afterthought when all else has failed. Jesus Himself challenges us when He tells us we are to expect specific answers when we pray (Mark 11:24). Without answers our faith life will dry up, as will our excitement in following Christ. The only difference between us and just another religion is answered prayer!

It’s Time to Manifest!

People are looking for a demonstration of the Gospel—a manifestation of God in their midst! The want to know the reality that the Jesus who died 2,000 years ago has risen from the dead and is alive and moving in the earth!