Entertainment or Euphoria?

We should always desire to breathe deep of the wonder of life. Science tells us that deep breathing is the best guarantee that every cell gets oxygen in our body to keep it healthy. I always want to pray for those I see walking around with an oxygen tank and tied to a machine.

I see so many people tied to the machine of television and computers and cell phones. It has become their oxygen life-line for inspiration and meaning. Playing football on a computer is not playing football, it is playing on the computer.

Don’t make the mistake of living a virtual life. Learn to breathe the breath of God deeply and experience what life is really all about…Euphoria!

Come Up Higher

Do we dare imagine that we possess the same ministry and doctrine as Jesus?

Let’s step up to a higher level in our thought patterns so we won’t limit God’s power in our lives. Let’s go beyond reading the Bible as a history book to seeing it as a living, personal letter from God to us, to be applied to our lives today.

Then it was the ministry of Jesus in a Jew. Now, it is the ministry of Jesus in you.

Our ministry is not different from Jesus’ ministry; it is a continuation of His ministry, His doctrine, and His results!

This new way of thinking will set us free from religion. When we realize that the Kingdom of God is within us and Jesus rules through us, then our posture and language are different, and our purpose for living takes on new dimensions!


Alive and Willing

Scripture says that “all who touched Jesus were healed.” So, is God willing? We see in the story of the leper whom Jesus put forth His hand and healed that yes, He is willing.

The Healer who walked 2,000 years ago among the people in the villages of Judea is today the very same — alive, willing to come into your world and heal you now. Is God willing? Yes! He is reaching out to you today!

Stay Fired, Not Retired!

Living in Florida we see many people who say they are retired. Some want this decision–free, commitment-free type of life so strongly that they even retired their pastor, because they don’t want to go to church anymore!

That might be all fine and dandy for them, but they forget that the devil does not retire! Sickness does not retire! The spirit of poverty does not retire!

With very real enemies roaming around we have to be on our guard. When an enemy attacks they won’t go after your biggest gun or your strongest position. Their first target will be your communication channels. They want to isolate you from your leaders and your supply line, cutting you off so you’ll feel there’s no hope and therefore quit without a fight.

Stay connected! Be diligent to keep your communications clear and consistent so you know what the key people in your life are thinking and planning. It could be the difference between a win or a loss in your future!

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds…Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…(2 Corinthians 10:4)

Are You a Member of the Living Dead?

Most people are dead while they are alive. Their dreams have died. Their drive is dead. Their desire is dead. Their destiny is dead. They are just going through the motions of existence, many times turning to drugs to deaden their thought processes so they will not look up anymore into the world of their own perishing possibilities.

It’s like an eagle’s egg that has been mistakenly dropped into a chicken coop. The eagle hatchling gets so used to seeing how chickens behave that he starts acting like one—until the day he sees a bald eagle soar overhead. Then he can begin to dream again!

If he dares to believe, he will spread his wings and flap. When he takes that first step he will discover that he was destined and designed to fly. He was not meant to live as a chicken!

Remember the days of your youth when your imagination knew no boundaries? It is a gift of God to make your days on earth a heaven, and a way for the life force of faith to bring dreams to pass. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a sign to every human that they can live a resurrected life. We are NOT captives of our past, our circumstances, or the opinions of the people around us. We are destined to soar as we embrace the destiny of our Creator and act like Him!

The message of the Gospel is new life to those who are dead. Cherish this new life. Fight for it. Stand in it. Let it take you places you never dreamed possible!

Where’s the Miracles?

Jesus was not ashamed of the fact that He needed miracles to validate His ministry. He said, “If I do not the works of My Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in Him” (John 10:37-38). There is no stronger statement that He made concerning the need for miracles in ministry. The church has settled for something far less.

A good example would be the old Wendy’s Hamburgers commercial where the woman demands, “Where’s the beef?!!” The church has settled for a knowledge of the miracle worker without the miracles! Where are the works?  Have we settled for a meatless hamburger?

If Jesus needed miracles to validate His ministry how much more do you need miracles to validate your ministry? Why should someone of another religion leave their religion and accept your Jesus as the way and the truth? They have a black book and you have a black book. They have morals and you have morals. They have a history and you have a history. What do you have that they don’t have? The answer is a living Jesus and the proof of that is miracles!

Christianity is the only form of worship in the world that can be validated by miracles which no witchdoctor or psychologist can duplicate. The whole history of God’s intervention in the affairs of mankind as recorded in Hebrew scripture is that of miraculous intervention. Jesus continued the tradition of miracles and we, His followers after Him, are to continue in the same way!

Are You a Beggar or a Believer?

I have been in the center of Bangkok, where at lunch time they come out and crawl on their knees to these beautiful idols and temples so they can put food on these little houses to sacrifice to the gods.

I’ve been in Mexico where they walk for hours and days, sometimes on their knees, in order to offer sacrifices at certain times of the year.  I’ve been in the Philippines when they are literally crucifying themselves again because it’s Easter. I’ve been in India, where they say there is over 300 million gods, where every place on every corner, everywhere you look there is an idol, a temple, a statue, a place to offer an offering to the unknown god who does NOT answer prayer.

But for you and me, we have a faith and not a religion, we have a RELATIONSHIP. A relationship where Jesus tells us to ASK that our joy may be full. ASK that we might receive. ASK that it might be done unto us. ASK so My Father can see it come to pass.

We are not beggars, we are believers! Hallelujah!


This question can be one of the most informative or one of the most destructive questions we can ask. When it comes to discovery, this question has opened the door to fabulous inventions and modern technologies. But when it comes to life and death, the question “Why?” causes many a soul to sink to levels of depression never before experienced. Some aspects of the question “Why?” which pertain to death, dying and destruction will never be resolved until one day when we stand before the creator of humanity.

How do we come to grasp with these issues of ‘why’?  First, understand that God is not the creator of evil, but it issues forth from the heart of humanity that is separated from God by sin. Second, recognize that from the very beginning of time there has been a force of evil (Satan) determined to destroy the very creation that God holds as the apple of his eye. Third, realize that it was only the deepest love that created humans different from all creation giving us the faculties of reason, will, humor, imagination, words and decision-making capabilities—and with these abilities come great responsibilities for life, family, country and even our earth.

So today, let’s turn our ‘whys’ in life into a “Why Not?” and turn the negativity of depression into the positivity of expression! If you’re down and don’t understand, choose to release this situation to the Lord and find the good that remains in the life or lives around you!

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov 18:21 NIV).

The Ultimate Gift

Imagine giving a gift, something very precious which you have taken painstaking effort to prepare for the one you love so much. You’ve taken time, money and energy to plan the specific moment you will present your gift. And then, the unthinkable happens—the gift is rejected. The answer is NO. The reality dawns on you—this person I love so much is not interested in me or my gift.

I wonder how God feels? He sent His precious Son to carry our burdens, to take away our sins, to be beaten for our diseases. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him (Isaiah 53). This amazing substitution is God’s gracious and loving gift to us. It can’t be earned, it’s a free gift! Yet multitudes still reject His love!

Today, I encourage you to remember what Jesus has done for you. Receive this free gift! Simply dare to believe that He died for you and that He rose from the dead. You will never be the same!


He’s Everything You Need

The resurrected Jesus saw His followers out fishing. They needed to make some money. They needed to eat. What did He say to them? “I know where the provision is.” The Kingdom of God is provision. Jesus says to us, “Throw your net on the right side. You’re looking in the wrong place. I know where you need to go. I know what you need to do. I want to give you my ideas.”

What does that mean?  God knows where all the provision is for your ministry. And when you pray, He is giving you those ideas.  He is saying, “Cast your net on the right side. I know where it is. I know where all the gold is buried in the earth. I know where to find all the opportunities around you. Believe in Me! Respond to My words!”

There is no lack in the Kingdom of God, and you are in that kingdom.  I am not like the unbeliever who is nervous, worried, and fearful saying, “I don’t have enough! I can’t do it! I don’t have the people! I don’t have the favor! I don’t have the knowledge!”

No! I have God! God knows where everything is, and He is bringing it across my path!