Going and Showing

Jesus told storms to cease, He told fish to come to the fishermen’s nets, He commanded sickness and demons to leave. In doing this, He was proclaiming by demonstration the dominion, the authority and the restoration of everything back to us in Christ!

Take Aim and Proclaim

Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is justice, our freedom, our redemption, our justification, our salvation and our restoration. He proclaimed it and then He spoke it when He said to the sick, be healed! Blind eyes open! Deaf ears open! He declared for all time that we don’t have to live under the authority of darkness anymore!

Getting Back on Track

In many areas of life you can slip back into old patterns that you had previously freed yourself from. You wake up one day and realize you are back in the rut of doing what you were stuck in 10 or 20 years ago! This can also happen in your thinking, which ends up limiting the power of God actively working in your life. It happens when you start reading the Bible more as a history book than as a living letter to you, to be applied and acted on every day. Remember, back then it was the ministry of Jesus in a Jew. BUT NOW, it’s not just history, it has become the ministry of Jesus carried out through you!

You’re Ready to Roll

It’s a lie from the devil that you can’t be used by God until you are perfected. You and I will be renewing our minds until the day we die, so we should never let anything hinder us from going and doing!

Only Believe!

People who work too hard at having faith tend to have the least amount of it! They’re more aware of and focused on their lack of it—leaving them feeling like they’ll never measure up—instead of becoming the mountain-movers God intends them to be!

This Will Set You Free!

When you really get it that Jesus paid the entire price for sin, you’ll understand that you’re no longer under the devil’s tyranny and oppression. Know this as confidently as you know your name—the devil has NO power over you anymore, in any area, because Jesus took your sin and permanently gave you HIS righteousness!

The Great Exchange

Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves. Our sins for His righteousness. Our fear for His love. Our sickness for His health. Our unbelief for His faith. Our life for His LIFE. “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Colossians 3:4).

As He Is, So Are You in the World!

Jesus took off His equality with God, so He could put on human flesh and walk on this earth demonstrating to us what God looked like in human flesh. He had no sin nature, so the devil had no ability to put anything on Him or do anything to Him until it was time for the cross. There, He took YOUR sin nature, and all the judgements that were against you because of it, and gave you His LIFE in exchange! Now you are cleansed, with the nature of Christ in you, and the devil has no more right to touch you than he did Jesus! This is how we walk in the earth as He did, and can do the works He said we can do! “… as he is so also are we in this world” 1 John 4:17.

Release the Supernatural

The life of God within us equips us to face every enemy of doubt, fear, shortage, sickness, disease and ALL of the evils of darkness, with the same calmness, confidence and presence of mind that Jesus demonstrated in the earth. Whatever came against Him, He released the supernatural in the same instant that He faced it!

You’ve Got the Power

Sickness, disease and all types of infirmity are rebellious to the truth that your body is the temple of God. But those infirmities can be dealt with, because there is an authority higher than they are—the name of Jesus! Sickness is an enemy every bit as much as the devil is, and as a Christ-filled believer who is one spirit with Him, you have the absolute authority to not just cast it out, but to live in divine health!