If you have believed that Jesus came and gave His life for you, and that you are forgiven of your sins and will spend eternity with Him, then you have all the faith you need to heal the sick and raise the dead! ALL things are possible with God!
You are not bound to be the person you were in the past. If Jesus is your Lord, the old you is dead and you are now a resurrected person — a new creation — with the potential of God in you!
It doesn’t matter how long you have been in ministry or how long you’ve been studying the Bible, the Word of God can become like stale bread if you allow it to lay dormant in your heart!
In 1865, William and Catherine Booth started what would become known as the Salvation Army. They fed the poor and opened lodging houses to shelter the homeless from London’s bitter winters. As their work expanded, William began the practice of sending a telegram of encouragement each Christmas Eve to his “soldiers” around the world. In what would be his last telegram, he realized that because of the cost, his message would have to be brief. He decided to send only one word: “OTHERS.” This Christmas season, allow Christ to dwell in you and live through you—and have a merry, OTHERS-minded Christmas!
If a branch of a tree is abiding in the life of that tree, that means its connection to that tree is stable and fixed. When we are truly abiding in Christ then our connection should be stable and fixed, so like a healthy branch, we will grow, strengthen, and produce fruit!
You are not what you appear to be as you go about your day. Never forget that you are empowered by the living God, and that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you!
What is the position we take when we have unanswered prayers? We stand firm and never quit! Elijah prayed 7 times for it to rain. He didn’t quit at the 6th time and start teaching his disciples why God doesn’t always answer. No! He persisted and received rain the 7th time! 1 Kings 18:42-44
Are you still asking God to do what He told us to do? Or have you stepped over into the joy and adventure of obedience by partnering with Him and doing what He has instructed YOU to do?
I have walked the ‘be strong and of good courage’ path for many years with nothing more than the Word of GOD in my heart, a positive confession in my mouth, and a small band of committed partners. I have seen His miracles and I KNOW that GOD will never fail us! He is true to HIS Word!
Ephesians 1:6 says that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the tribulations on this earth. Our position in Christ is secure, and as we look at ourselves from His perspective we will rise above the mountains and the enemies before us!