By Grace Through Faith

Why is knowing God’s Word so important? Because God’s Word is His will, and when we learn what God has already done for us and provided to us through His grace, we can use our faith to confidently receive those things that are already ours!

Real Leadership

Jesus said “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). He is saying that following His success will make you someone that others want to follow. Men will be caught by your posture, words, peace, and authority in the midst of challenges. That is true leadership!

Adjust Your Focus

If you make a habit of focusing on the physical evidence in your body or the appearance of the circumstances around you, more than on what the Word of God says, your life will reflect the reality and the results of that pattern of believing!


Many people believe in Jesus but are scared of the devil. I am not afraid of the devil because God lives in me! I am saved! I am healed! I have been delivered! I have been set free! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead NOW LIVES IN ME!

A New Way of Thinking

Jeremiah said to God, “I can’t because I’m too young.”  Isaiah said, “I can’t because I am a man of unclean lips.”  David said, “I can’t because what are humans before you?”  Jesus was different. He said, I am and I can.  “I am from my Father and as my Father works so I work” (John 5:17). He has given us a new way of thinking about ourselves!

The Real Deal

No other religion has its scribes read their holy books then expect their god to confirm what was just read.  When you preach with a confirmation of signs and wonders you will never have a problem getting a crowd to listen!

Make It Like Heaven

Jesus prayed: “Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; on earth as it is in heaven.” No sickness in heaven!  No poverty in heaven! No weakness in heaven! No tears in heaven!  If it doesn’t look like heaven, we are commissioned and empowered to change it!

You CAN Do It!

There is no theological degree required to lay hands on the sick. In fact, Mark 16:18 gives us simple instructions: those who believe will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will get well!

Buried Treasure

God adds to those who seek His ways. What does He add? The supernatural—the unexpected, the miraculous, the more than enough! All these things come into your life as you open His Word and search out HIS way of thinking and doing!

The Powerhouse Within You

The Spirit of God dwelling in us gives life to our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11), and we call on this life to arise and strengthen us. This power dwelling in us was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead! Envision the Holy Spirit within you moving into every part of your body, infusing you with His power to overcome every sickness and infirmity!