Scripture tells us in Luke 9:1-2 that “he called his twelve disciples together and he gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” That power and authority was never withdrawn! What an opportunity each one of us has been given!
God can only go where our feet take Him. He can only touch the people we touch. He sees through our eyes and speaks through our mouths. His words are all-powerful, but for that power to be released they must be spoken through our lips of faith!
If we could see people through God’s eyes then we would win the world, but instead we see them through our own eyes, labeling them with a big sign that says “Sinner.” Have you ever asked how much that “sinner” is worth? How much God paid for them? It was the price of His Son. How much are you and I worth? The same. The difference is, they don’t know it. When we truly understand this, we will be motivated to tell them.
God gave each of us an important job, regardless of whether you are a janitor or a Fortune 500 executive. He gave the stay-at-home mom and the preacher the same honor of using His name to go to the world!
God created us for dignity and with a purpose! He created us to know His love and goodness through our relationship with Him, and to take that love and goodness out into the world with us and share it with others. How do we do that? “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give”! (Matthew 10:8)
We must always remember, the Cross precedes the Power. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” The love of God is what motivates us to minister the life of God to people as they are healed, delivered and set free!
Never allow your fears of what people think of you prevent you from sharing the gospel. You are the worker God has sent to intercept for Christ every life that intersects your path. Don’t let those opportunities pass you by!
People are looking for a demonstration of the Gospel—a manifestation of God in their midst! The want to know the reality that the Jesus who died 2,000 years ago has risen from the dead and is alive and moving in the earth!
Miracles are the result of preaching the truth. Truth is what God says on the subject. When that truth is carried on words of faith, it brings the supernatural results people are looking for!
Your life can be summed up by what you know, and what you do with what you know. What you know is your faith, and what you do with what you know is your ministry.