You’ve Got What it Takes!

There’s no need to wait for what God has already given you. However, there IS a need to believe in yourself, and that you are gifted by God Himself to carry out His purpose for your life!

Raised With Him

When we know and understand our exalted position, seated in heavenly places in Christ, we will identify more with the Christ who walked out of the tomb than with the Christ who died on the Cross!

A Change of Perspective

When we are aware of our position as seated with Christ in the heavenlies, we are no longer looking upward for help. We direct our words and authority downward toward those “mountains” on earth that are below us. A change of perspective can change our results!

Take Command!

Many people believe in Jesus but are scared of the devil. If you are born again, the devil should be afraid of you! Why? The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead NOW LIVES IN YOU! You are saved—you are healed—you have been delivered! You have been set free to walk in the same power and authority that Jesus did in the earth!

Show Them Jesus

The unsaved world is not interested in our sermons, but they ARE interested in a Christ who will get involved in their individual lives. Introduce them to that Jesus!

Here You Are

Never let someone else tell you who you are! Just as Jesus found Himself in the scriptures, you can find yourself in the scriptures too. And when you do, you will discover who you are and who you are called to be!

Start Paddling!

If you get into a boat and just sit there on the river, you’re going to go wherever the current takes you. But if you want to go somewhere new and different, you have to put the paddle in the water and go against the flow!

YOU Do It!

Many believers are asking God to do what He already told THEM to do. “Lord, send Your Spirit! Lord, send your angels to save my family! Lord, SEND…” But Jesus told us in the gospels, “As I have been sent SO I SEND YOU….Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (John 20:21; Mark 16:15 author’s emphasis).

If it’s in the Way, MOVE IT!

When we know who Jesus is, we know who we are. And when we know who we are, we know what we can do.  This is why mountains, obstacles, troubles, and anything else that keeps us from being the best that God made us to be can be removed when we speak!


Independence from the Enemy

The faith within us should roar out when we are pressured by the world, the devil, and all his agents of destruction. That’s why scripture doesn’t ignore the reality of trials or temptations, but instead tells us to use them as stepping stones to God’s greatest potential in both our lives and the lives of others (James 1:2-8)!