You’re Ready to Roll

It’s a lie from the devil that you can’t be used by God until you are perfected. You and I will be renewing our minds until the day we die, so we should never let anything hinder us from going and doing!

The Fight of Faith

What is the fight of faith that all believers are called to? The fight of faith is continually choosing to think like scripture says rather than what the world is saying. It is holding onto a word from God when all else looks otherwise. It’s not getting on my knees and struggling with devils, but is rather keeping my mind and emotions focused on truth, and my words in agreement with God’s Word. It is believing what God says is the truth over what my body, my bank account or my friends may say!

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

The Word of God is absolutely TRUE. Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the author and giver of life—has given you His Word and has declared to you, “This is the TRUTH.” That means God’s Word is what is REAL, and therefore what our reality is meant to look like as new creations in Christ. Not what the world says, not what your past experience says, and certainly not what the enemy wants you to believe!

Expect an Answer!

When the Apostle Peter was put in prison, a group of Christians met to pray for his release. Later, when they were told that Peter was knocking at the door, they didn’t believe it. They were praying, but obviously not really expecting much to happen! Expect an answer! Jesus wants to show the world that He is alive and unlimited in His ability to answer prayer. “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).

Release the Supernatural

The life of God within us equips us to face every enemy of doubt, fear, shortage, sickness, disease and ALL of the evils of darkness, with the same calmness, confidence and presence of mind that Jesus demonstrated in the earth. Whatever came against Him, He released the supernatural in the same instant that He faced it!

You’ve Got the Power

Sickness, disease and all types of infirmity are rebellious to the truth that your body is the temple of God. But those infirmities can be dealt with, because there is an authority higher than they are—the name of Jesus! Sickness is an enemy every bit as much as the devil is, and as a Christ-filled believer who is one spirit with Him, you have the absolute authority to not just cast it out, but to live in divine health!

Heal the Sick

The Lord never told us to pray for the sick, He told us to HEAL the sick! In other words, He commissioned us to act in His name, to use the power that He has given us to speak with authority, and to EXPECT healing to come!

“Go Ye” Means Thee!

Jesus says to His followers, “I will work through you.” The disciples were looking to Him to be the one to do the works, but He was looking to them. It was hard for His disciples to understand that they would be His voice, His hands and His feet. Their eyes were on the future, but Jesus empowered them, AND US, for the present!

Only God Can Transform You

When we submit to God’s Word and continue to claim it as who we are, no matter how messed up we may be in the now, we are allowing GOD to work His Word out in us, activating the power in it to renew our minds and transform our thinking. Then what? We begin to live, move and have our being in the real, transformed, Kingdom-life Jesus has given to us!

The Heart of the Matter

“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him” (John 14:7). Jesus healed, Jesus delivered, Jesus taught, Jesus loved, because Jesus IS love. Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father’s nature. When you see Jesus in the Word, you’re seeing the Father’s heart. And when you understand the nature and character of God, and His love for mankind, you will always have the right doctrine!