Beggar or Believer?

If we spend most of our time begging God to do what He’s already done, and the rest of the time asking Him to do what He’s told us to do, what have we just done? Nothing! Ask yourself today, are you a beggar or are you a believer?

Never Give Up!

Remember that regardless of how difficult the crisis is that you may be facing, DON’T GIVE UP! God WILL guide you in your everyday affairs. He is committed to you more than you could ever commit to Him!

Show and Tell

Throughout our lives as believers, a very important message we can “preach” to those around us is the example of our lifestyle. We don’t react or breakdown under pressure, we stand on the faithfulness of God’s Word in every situation and see the deliverance of the Lord!

Everyday Excellence

The little streams leading to mighty rivers of abundance are the unseen services we provide as we go about our daily lives. The habit of top-notch service to others opens an ever-increasing flow to us. Success follows those who serve with sincerity and excellence!

Speak to the Storms

If someone else’s actions or choices have you feeling like a hostage in a canoe in a hurricane, don’t give in to anger or fear and anxiety! Jesus is with you in that boat, and in His name we can command peace to EVERY storm!

Kingdom Sowing

We may think that our boss controls our fate and our income, but that is not the case in the Kingdom of God. The seed principle God initiated at the beginning of time is still in operation. Whatever we sow we will reap. Mix the seed of diligent work with the seed of your money sown, and you will have a powerful seed combination working in God’s soil!


Be Anxious for Nothing!

We are told over and over in the Scriptures not to worry, fret, or have anxiety about anything, but to trust in God. Why? Because our physical bodies are not designed to handle too much stress. We are designed to live fear-free and stress-free!


Choose Peace

We are not designed to continually handle hard struggles, difficulty, shame, lack, stress, anxiety and failures. Jesus said, “Come unto me and I will give you rest for your souls.” Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden light (Matt. 11:28–30), so take Him up on His offer! This is where peace is found!

Mind Masters

If you can control your thoughts, you can overcome in life. No person, spirit, or circumstance has the right or ability to control your thoughts. Your mind is a prime target for the enemy, but you CAN protect yourself from his attacks. How do you do this? By being vigilant and aware of what you are thinking about, and examining it against what God says. If it doesn’t agree, take it captive and correct it with the Word!

Speak to the Mountain!

There are times when prayer is sweet communion with the Father and Jesus. There are other times, such as the ones we’re currently experiencing, when we must bind and loose things on this earth. God is expecting US to address the mountain, not address Him about the mountain!