Why would Jesus Christ die on a cross and take my sin if He didn’t have a plan for my success? Everyone should be planning for success, because the One who lives in you by His Spirit defeated your enemy! “The Lord has taken away the judgments against you; he has cleared away your enemies” (Zephaniah 3:15).
“Father God, today is my day! I see my enemy defeated, decapitated and openly paraded. Father, Your army, Your Son, the host of angels, have defeated my enemy and I believe Your Word. Today I expect that the strength of Your healing power, Your promises, Your grace, Your love, Your might and your deliverance is being extended to me. Today I receive my healing and my deliverance! I say in the name of Jesus, I am free and I am made whole!”
You are destined for success! But to get there, you have to put off your old thought life and put on the thought life of a new creation. Your old way of thinking is who you were in Adam, and is what most people are accustomed to because that has always been their reality. But you, as a New Creation in Christ, have a DIFFERENT reality that has is based on what GOD says, NOT what the world or past experience says. The world thinks, “this is the way it is, therefore this is the way it will always be.” No! You’re a NEW Creation! Get in the Word and bring your thinking up to KINGDOM reality!
When you made Jesus Lord of your life, He came to live inside you, taking away your sins, sicknesses and failures, and replaced it all with HIS life. What does that mean? You’re forgiven! You’re healed! He restored the dominion and authority to you in the earth that had been lost to the devil! Now you have the ability to live your life through Him—a powerful, victorious life that sets other captives free and brings glory to God!
Those things that have limited you in your body, your background or your relationships may have made you believe that your future is limited. But I want you to know that God’s Word is absolutely true, so if Jesus is your Lord, the reality is that your future has NO LIMITS!
There is a place in Christ where you lack nothing. That place may surprise you—it may appear to be a lifeless, famine field! Your faith and actions make the difference in how your environment responds to you!
Scripture tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has plans to prosper you. He has planned for your health and your future. There is a destiny that is before you so believe it! And don’t stop there—expect it, plan for it, dream it, speak it out loud!
Have you seen the cross of Jesus Christ? Have you recognized the fatal blow it delivered to the devil’s authority over you? Are you experiencing the resurrection power of God now available to you in forgiveness, deliverance, health and every area of your life?
We are now seated at the right hand of God, permanently in the presence of God! It’s NOT something that we have to atone for or “measure up” to be there! Our sins were wiped out permanently! We must believe what we see in the Word of God that says we are raised up above all sickness, disease, poverty, lack, fear, weakness, every diagnosis and anything that would come against us!
Jesus said in John 6:35, “I am the bread of life, and whoever comes to me will never hunger, and the one who believes on me will never thirst.” Have you pulled up to the table today and taken hold of the promises that God has for you?