In Jeremiah 29:11 God says that He has plans to prosper you. He has planned for your health and your future. There is a destiny that is before you. Expect it! Plan for it! Dream it! Say it! Believe it and it will unfold before you!
If we don’t learn to see through the eyes of our faith we will only see our need. Faith doesn’t look at the need, faith looks at the seed of God’s Word as the supply for every situation!
If you have believed that Jesus came and gave His life for you, and that you are forgiven of your sins and will spend eternity with Him, then you have all the faith you need to heal the sick and raise the dead! ALL things are possible with God!
You are not bound to be the person you were in the past. If Jesus is your Lord, the old you is dead and you are now a resurrected person — a new creation — with the potential of God in you!
Changing your location has nothing to do with your prosperity. It’s possible to be poor in a wealthy society, and it’s also possible to prosper in a poor society. You can prosper in the midst of adverse conditions where everyone else is failing, just as Isaac did when he obeyed the Lord! “Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous” (Genesis 26:12-13).
Those things that have limited you in your body, your background or your relationships may have made you believe that your future is limited. But I want to let you know that if Jesus is your Lord, your future has NO LIMITS!
God is FOR you! He gave you the gift of eternal life so you would have peace of mind about your future. He gave you His promises for every area of your life so you would know His best for you. God is not hard, He is benevolent!
Matthew 7:11 says, “If you then being evil know how to give goods unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask Him?” Not only is God NOT using sickness, disease and lack as a tool to make us learn something, He clearly tells us that He has a great desire to answer our prayers and to meet our needs!
Poverty is not fate for the unlucky. Poverty is not a destiny to train you in godliness. Poverty is addressed by Jesus and has been broken off your life forever by His work on the cross!
What do you have that makes you rich? You have been given righteousness, which gives you a new self-image. You have been given authority, which is the right to exercise power over all sicknesses, all bondages and all demons!