God is FOR you! He gave you the gift of eternal life so you would have peace of mind about your future. He breathed into you part of Himself so you would have awareness of His presence. He gave you the name of Jesus so you would have authority over all evil spirits. He gave you His promises for every area of your life so you would know His best for you. God is not hard, He is benevolent!
When you go outside the church walls with a clear proclamation of the gospel, the devil’s not going to roll over and say, “Welcome! Have your way!” But we know that the God we serve is bigger, He is far greater, He is mighty, and HE IS ALIVE IN US!
In Jesus’ parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), the ruler over the servants expected increase, so he took the money from the non-producer and gave it to the producer. This might change your thinking about staying in a welfare system. Apparently God, who is love, does not expect His people to live a lifestyle that is content to rely on free handouts!
If you are depressed—take hope in God! He promises to strengthen you with His righteous right arm! If you are jobless—dare to declare that He WILL connect you with the job you require! If you are in debt—dare to declare you are debt free! Trust Him to guide you to the victories you need!
When Jesus was training His followers He sent them out to the villages, towns and cities, telling them to take no extra clothing, money or food. Go and preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick, demonstrating God’s plan and God’s love (Luke 10:1-9, author’s paraphrase). They obeyed, and discovered that God could be trusted to take care of them. I believe that when we practice His simple “road rules” in our own lives, we will always see His hand of provision!
The ungodly are those who have no moral code or fear of God. Their only guidance is what pleases them and gives them advantage. They offer you shortcuts that will look good but leave a bitter taste in your mouth, like biting into a shiny apple only to spit out a rotten core. You may prosper but it will be short lived and at the expense of others. It will cost your reputation; and in the long run all you really have is your reputation, so guard it with all your heart!
Throughout our lives as believers, a very important message we can “preach” to those around us is the example of our lifestyle. People notice when we don’t react or breakdown under pressure, standing on the faithfulness of God’s Word in every situation until we see the deliverance of the Lord!
I am praying for our friends and partners, that you may know the plan that the Lord has set forth for your life. This knowledge will generate an inner strength, enabling you to face life each day with an “all things are possible” attitude. We pray that you may have His wisdom and His understanding for all of life’s decisions!
We would be wise to nurture the life that God gave us when we were born again. It is an overcoming life that Jesus first demonstrated, then freely gave us to be overcomers. It is the only part of heaven that is on earth right now, and it’s in us! It is a devil defeating life, a miracle life!
What you think is a seed. What you believe is a seed.
What you say is a seed. Understanding this truth removes the foundation for failure in your life and replaces it with hope! We can no longer point the finger of blame for our situations at what the government is doing or not doing for us. We can’t blame our bad circumstances on a lousy economy, bad parents, bad friends, or a bad environment. The future is what we sow for!