In these days in which we’re living, it’s vitally important to understand that Satan has NO power! The only so-called power he has is what we relinquish to him when we believe his lies over the Word of the Living God!
Oxygen is a good example of God’s principle of abundance. We all enjoy it to our hearts content with one condition: to get more we first have to exhale. We have to release what we have in order to get more. This is the secret of increase!
Scripture tells us in Ephesians 1:6 that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the challenges you will face on this earth. Our position in Christ is secure, and if we will look at ourselves from His perspective we will rise above the mountains and the enemies before us!
We must never forget that not only is God for us, He is with us, and He is IN us! The Creator of the Universe lives in me, therefore I can NOT fail! This empowers us to believe, and is our unshakable confidence in difficult situations!
The Spirit of God dwelling in us gives life to our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11), and we call on this life to arise and strengthen us. The power dwelling in us was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead! Surely this power can infuse our bodies with enough life to overcome every sickness and disease!
The disturbances and confusion of the world is not a call to a monastic life, but rather a call to a higher thought life. Our victory is not found in fleeing the pressures of a secular world, but in keeping our thoughts in line with God’s thoughts in the midst of Satan’s bombardment.
What is the fight of faith? It is continually directing my mind to think like scripture says, rather than focusing on the circumstances. It’s identifying with God’s ideas more than my own, and holding onto His Word when all else looks otherwise.
Ask God to help you stay passionate about the right things. God is in you and He dreams with you! Ask Him to direct your steps and your vision. The desires that are in your heart are the desires He puts in you. Why? Because we are in relationship with Him!
If you take a seed from a magnolia tree and plant it in an oak forest, you will still get a magnolia tree regardless of the environment of trees that surround it. The tree is hidden in the seed. God’s seed planted in the hearts of people, wherever they are, will produce God-people!
In the book of Genesis we read about Joseph who experienced the pit, then a prison, and finally the palace. If you can survive the pit and the prison that tries to steal your dreams, you will experience the palace!