Jesus Christ destroyed the power of sin! The Bible says that Christ died and then rose again. He set you free from hell and death. He defeated the devil! Now I can say, “Yes, Jesus! I believe that You have brought healing. You have given me a new life! You have given me a good life! I have 100 percent health in You!”
I believe with all my heart that as children of God, we are entitled to be healthy! I believe that God did not create sicknesses and diseases! Everything that the Lord made was “very good”!
If you have a problem, a need or a sickness, then you need to find out what God’s Word says about it. When you believe what He says, you will definitely receive an answer from God!
Miracles prove that the God we serve is not dead! He speaks from the hearts of His believers while confirming the words they speak. Jesus commissions those who believe in Him to do miracles, so evidently Jesus knew we would need miracles too!
Those who love God’s wisdom and consider it the principal thing will experience it as a river of blessing, a never-ending source of fulfillment.
How is wisdom transferred?
When David’s mighty warriors first joined him they were just a rebellious band of malcontents. After spending a few years with David, however, they were hailed as giant killers!
When we receive Jesus in our hearts, He comes to live in us. His Spirit, His holiness, His righteousness lives in us. When we walk, He walks, and when we talk, it’s like Jesus is talking through us. When we lay our hands on someone, it’s like He is touching that person through us!
The highest form of learning, and the least expensive, is to learn from others. The lowest form is personal experience. It will always cost you time and opportunity.
One industrialist said, “It’s a shame that people learn from their own mistakes rather than from others. By the time they learn the lessons to be productive, it is time to retire.”
If you had a bank that credited your account each morning with $86,000 that carried over no balance from day to day, allowed you to keep no cash in your account, and every evening cancelled whatever part of the amount you failed to use during the day, what would you do?
You would draw out every cent every day, of course, and use it to your advantage! Well, you have such a bank, and its name is TIME! Every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it rules off as lost whatever of time you failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balances and allows no overdrafts. Each day it opens a new account with you. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against tomorrow.
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15
The good news is that each morning you are also given a basket of seeds called seconds, another basket called words, and another basket called thoughts. You can pull out of these baskets all the seeds you want for the harvest you want. The future is yours to sow for!
When I arrive in a new country and the plane lands, I walk out on to the ground with the full expectation that I will change that nation. People will find Christ. Leaders will discover a new inspiration for life and thousands will be physically and mentally healed. It does not matter how many witch doctors, thieves, or corrupt people want to stop me. I come with the Hope of the World in my heart. The Gospel we bring is the power of God that produces salvation in every single person who will receive it.
During World War II, a military governor met with General George Patton in Sicily. When he praised Patton highly for his courage and bravery, the general replied, “Sir, I am not a brave man…the truth is, I am an utterly craven coward. I have never been within the sound of gunshot or in sight of battle in my whole life that I wasn’t so scared that I had sweat in the palms of my hands.” Years later when Patton’s autobiography was published, it contained this significant statement by the general: “I learned very early in my life never to take counsel of my fears.”
If you are to do anything in life you will face the risk of failure. There are healthy fears that protect you, like a fear of jumping off the garage roof. These type of fears protect you, but there are many unhealthy fears that paralyze you, like fear of tomorrow, fear of poverty, fear of sickness, fear of failure, etc. We have been given the weapons to live a fear-free life, but we must use those weapons to address the fears. Patton had it right, don’t take council of your fears!
Here on earth we think we know what we’re seeing, but when we get to heaven we will see things as they really are. If we’re wise we will focus on understanding the eternal picture, so we can live in the present with a proper perspective.
1 Corinthians 13:12
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
Life began in the womb. For nine months that was your world. Some people probably spent all their time there trying to keep it clean and orderly. Others just thought life was an entitlement of free food and a warm bed, a place where they could kick and punch all day long with no rules.
Suddenly, life dramatically changed and you popped out into a whole new atmosphere. You were no longer top dog and king of the hill. Now you were low on the totem pole and had to scream to get some attention. You looked back and realized you had life all wrong. You had to adjust your thinking of what life really was like.
In the same manner soon you are going to pop out of this earth suit you are wearing into another totally different environment where real life begins. That day is coming. Prepare for it. The only manual for real success in the next life is God’s Word!
In every situation of sickness and disease we have three witnesses. One of those witnesses is the Word of God. God’s Word is the truth that He speaks about your situation.
The second witness is what your senses are telling you about the symptoms you’re experiencing. The pain is “declaring” that the sickness and diseases are not healed, the symptoms are still present and that the Word of God is not true.
The third witness we have is the sick person. That sick one has the opportunity to place his or her testimony alongside the Word of God and refuse to take the testimony of the pain or the symptoms—declaring that “by the stripes of Jesus, I AM HEALED!”