It cost God the blood of His Son Jesus to redeem us. Jesus bought us back to God at the price of His own blood—so no devil, person or feeling can ever say we are not righteous! Our penalty was not ignored or winked at—it was completely paid for and totally removed—for eternity!
Every time a leader in this world tries to play the role of God, it ends up in defeat. True greatness is NOT achieved by reducing other people to servitude, but in giving of yourself in selfless service to others!
There are hundreds of books out today talking about the power of the devil. Sure, they’re there, but why be so devil conscious? We don’t glorify a defeated liar! Devils and Jesus cannot cohabit in the same place. Jesus Christ lives in you! When you show up, they shouldn’t want to hang around!
The Word of God is more important than any newspaper or magazine, more important than a movie, your social media accounts or any other book you may want to read. God’s Word is the first and most important thing we should all be focusing on!
Your spiritual man is designed by God to live on faith filled words. Words of faith naturally coming from your lips. No faith and you have no spiritual life. Air is to the natural body what faith is to the spiritual body!
God doesn’t change, but OUR perspective of His ability and His bigness does. The size of a person’s God is reflected in the types of prayers he prays. Our prayers are more a reflection of our condition than of God’s ability. The only way to get a bigger God is see through His eyes!
You don’t need to fight against what Jesus has already defeated for you—but you do have to learn from God’s Word everything that you’ve been given. How will you ever receive and walk in what you don’t even know you have?
The devil will know you if you take a stand. An ambassador doesn’t have to pray to act as an ambassador. He doesn’t need to pray to exercise his authority, all he needs to do is act like who his government says he is. An ambassador doesn’t need to pray to stamp your passport or approve your visit. No, he or she has the power to act, and they don’t hesitate to do it. Don’t wait on heaven anymore! It’s time to act on who you are in Christ!
“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 3:8). He forgave sinners in the Bible, and forgives sinners today. He restored the deaf and lame people in Jerusalem, and restores the deaf and lame now where you live. He heard the prayers of people in that day, and hears your prayer in this day. He blessed people then, and still blesses people today!