The Door to the Impossible

The faith God has given us is the most powerful force on earth, but it can’t work in the midst of doubt, fear and worry. We must spend time in God’s Word and allow it to renew our minds to its absolute truth. This is how we enter the rest of faith and watch the impossible become possible!

The Great Escape

How do we escape death, dying, lack, sickness and disease in this world? We put the Word of God in our mouths and present ourselves to Him with it, speaking only what He says about ourselves and our situations. This allows the Holy Spirit to work in us, renewing our minds to the place where we are locked into it and nothing can move us!

Turn Up the Power

If you are born again, the Spirit of God with His life-giving, regenerative power lives inside you to give life to your physical body, just as Jesus’ body was quickened by that same power and brought back from the dead! Turn up your level of expectation and start believing that the mighty power of God is flowing through you now!

Seeds of Change

God tells us in 2 Corinthians 9 that He gives seed to the sower. What seed from God do you have that you can sow? God has given ideas and concepts to you about who He says you are, what you have been given in Christ, and what you can do. These are key seeds that you have the opportunity to sow to experience the results you want in your life!


When your body or your circumstances are speaking to you and trying to tell you that they are superior and have the upper hand, you need a revelation of the God-power Paul speaks of in Ephesians 6:10 that dwells within you; a power whose purpose is to infuse you with an excessive dose of inward strength!

Reality vs Truth

Faith is a force that operates apart from the reality of our circumstances. Your present reality may be saying you are out of money, you are sick, you are unemployed, your children are lost—but faith operates in the reality of what GOD says about the situation. Why? Because regardless of what we may be seeing or feeling, God’s Word is the TRUTH on the matter!

Trust the Love

Truly selfless love toward others is only possible when you’re confidently trusting in God’s promises that you are already taken care of by your Lord. If you really believe you are totally provided for, then you will naturally switch your thoughts to others!

Take What Belongs to You

“Lord Jesus, I see you upon that cross, crucified for me. My sicknesses, diseases and every infirmity were upon You on that cross. Therefore, right now I receive my new body and my recreated spirit. I receive a sound mind and every part and system of my body made completely whole. I reach out, Lord, and I take what belongs to me. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed 2,000 years ago, and because it was done for me then, I am healed NOW! I thank you Father God and I receive it in the name of Jesus!”

Our Good Shepherd

In Psalm 23 we discover that Jehovah Rohi, God our Shepherd, leads us beside the still waters and causes us to lie down in green pastures, because He is our GOOD shepherd and is always with us and guiding us. He delights in doing us good! (Jeremiah 32:41)

Forward Focused

If your life feels like a twisting highway full of potholes with no guardrails, remember that your vehicle has two types of glass. The smallest ones are for looking behind you, and the big windshield is for looking forward. Keep your eyes focused through that one and you’ll successfully pass through whatever road you’re traveling!