God is FOR You! Part 1

God is FOR you! He gave you the gift of eternal life so you would have peace of mind about your future. He gave you His promises for every area of your life so you would know His best for you. God is not hard, He is benevolent!

How Much More!

Matthew 7:11 says, If you then being evil know how to give goods unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good gifts to them that ask Him?” Not only is God NOT using sickness, disease and lack as a tool to make us learn something, He clearly tells us that He has a great desire to answer our prayers and to meet our needs!

Redeemed from it, or Resigned to It?

Poverty is not fate for the unlucky. Poverty is not a destiny to train you in godliness. Poverty is addressed by Jesus and has been broken off your life forever by His work on the cross!

It Is Written!

All the devil heard from the lips of Christ when tempting Him was “It is written,” and he was powerless against Him. Whose report are you going to believe, the devil’s lies, or the report of the Lord?

Do You Have Your Father’s Eyes?

The choice is ours. If we won’t see and embrace the truth of how God sees us and thinks about us, we’ll be doomed to a life of perceiving ourselves as helpless, weak, and subject to circumstances. That’s called prison, and it’s NOT how God created us to live!

The Giant Inside

You are not what you appear to be as you go about your day. Never forget that you are empowered by the living God, and that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you!

Spiritual Powerhouses

When you believe in your heart and confess Christ as Savior, nothing can separate you from God. No sin can control you. No sickness can have authority over your life. God Himself lives in you!

The One Who Never Fails

I have walked the ‘be strong and of good courage’ path for many years with nothing more than the Word of GOD in my heart, a positive confession in my mouth, and a small band of committed partners. I have seen His miracles and I KNOW that GOD will never fail us! He is true to HIS Word!

VIP Seating

Ephesians 1:6 says that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the tribulations on this earth. Our position in Christ is secure, and as we look at ourselves from His perspective we will rise above the mountains and the enemies before us!

Our Prayer For You

I am praying for all our friends and partners, that you may know the plan that the Lord has set forth for your life. This knowledge will generate an inner strength, enabling you to face life each day with an “all things are possible” attitude. We pray that you may have His wisdom and His understanding for all of life’s decisions!