The Lord is Our Peace

Jehovah Shalom means “The Lord is our peace.” This word shalom literally has the essence of nothing broken, everything fixed, everything being repaired. Shalom is total restoration and total peace for all that we need. This is God extending Himself to humanity saying, “I love you!”

Make It Like Heaven

Jesus prayed: “Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; on earth as it is in heaven.” No sickness in heaven!  No poverty in heaven! No weakness in heaven! No tears in heaven!  If it doesn’t look like heaven, we are commissioned and empowered to change it!

You CAN Do It!

There is no theological degree required to lay hands on the sick. In fact, Mark 16:18 gives us simple instructions: those who believe will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will get well!

The Choice is Ours

Our thoughts are the seeds of our actions.

Our prayers are the seeds of answers.

Our giving is the seed of our receiving.

Our efforts are the seeds of our results.

Our words are the seeds of what fruit we will eat.

Impossible Realities

Jesus was a man born of a virgin, a man who lived a sinless life, a man who suffered and died for our sins, a man who rose from the dead, a man Who appeared to His disciples after His resurrection. These are not just fairy tales, but factual events confirmed by historians of that day. When we see the picture of these very impossible realities we discover a picture of hope that causes us to stand up and say “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!”

The Greater One Is In You!

When you go outside the church walls with a clear proclamation of the gospel, the devil’s not going to roll over and say, “Welcome! Have your way!” But we know that the God we serve is bigger, He is far greater, He is mighty, and HE IS ALIVE IN US!

Whatever You Need

If you are depressed—take hope in God! He promises to strengthen you with His righteous right arm! If you are jobless—dare to declare that He WILL connect you with the job you require! If you are in debt—dare to declare you are debt free! Trust Him to guide you to the victories you need!

Assume Nothing!

Can there be a more important decision than the one that determines where we spend eternity? Every other decision seems trivial at best when compared with this one. Yet billions, myself included, have made casual assumptions about salvation that we would never make about any other decision!

Let God’s Word Be the Final Report

The practice of medicine is a blessing of the Lord given to us by God, and we encourage you to pray for your doctor. Pray that he or she would have wisdom in working with you, but remember, we are not to accept the doctor’s report as the final report. Instead, believe the Word of God that proclaims, “By His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5)!

You Can’t Break the Bank

God has more than enough healing, peace, and finances for anyone seeking them. He is NOT limited, and we will certainly NEVER break the bank of heaven!