Nothing Shall By Any Means Hurt You

It’s important to understand that there are no limitations or boundaries drawn where God “categorizes” a sickness as being simple or difficult.  The power of God is present to heal now, and that healing power covers EVERY type of sickness and disease!

Put God’s Word First

The Word of God is more important than a newspaper or magazine, more important than a movie, our social media accounts or any other book we may want to read. God’s Word is the first and most important thing we should be focusing on!

Speak Life!

The scenarios we create with our words can either draw favor, blessings, goodwill, love, healing, finances, and trust to us…or they can draw anger, hate, fear, anxiety, and death into our lives. Regardless of whether you choose to believe in it or not, life and death truly is in the power of your tongue (Proverbs 18:21).

Recognize Your Enemy

The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:13, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  It is very important that we have our armor on, because now more than ever we must remember that we do not fight against each other; we stand against the devil—the one who has blinded people’s minds. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

God is FOR Us!

When we see a miracle in evidence, we recognize that miracles come to show us that it is God’s will to do good and not to do evil, to be a blessing and not to harm, to give life and not to curse, and that God is with us. He is for us, not against us!

What the World Needs Now

What does the world need? They need a revelation of the Father—John 3:16—“For God so loved the world.”  Do you understand how powerful that is, or have you just skimmed over the surface? Do you take it lightly, or do you realize that this love broke the power of every demonic power that exists?

Change Your Perspective

To be seated in Christ is to take a chair in a high position. There you find your place of rest. When you see yourself seated in this chair, you get a new perspective on your earthly problems. Our prayers are pointed downward toward the mountains on earth below us. We are no longer looking upward for help! A change of perspective can give a change of result!

Defying the Verdict

The practice of medicine is a blessing of the Lord given to us by God, and I encourage you to pray for your doctor. Pray that he or she would have wisdom in working with you, but remember, we are not to accept the doctors’ report as the final report. Instead, believe the Word of God that proclaims, “By His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5)!  

God’s Answer is YES!

Many people think God has a huge office and a lot of work to do, and because He’s so busy He has no time for them. They look up at the sky wondering, “What will God do for me? He’s way up there somewhere…” The truth is, God never says “NO!” to you! God’s answer to everyone is YES! He is always reaching out to us! “If you are hungry, come to Me, and I will feed you! If you are thirsty, come to Me and drink! If you are in need, come to Me, open up your heart and give Me your problems!” Why? Because He loves us, and that’s what love does!

It’s Time to Move Up

No one can put down a son or daughter of God unless that child of God chooses to think lowly of him or herself. Jesus said that if He is lifted up, He will draw all people unto Him. There is only one way to go when you are connected to Him, and that is up! Up in attitude, up in perspective, up in ability, and up in self-dignity!