Christ IN You!

According to Colossians 1:27, Christ now lives in you. So, where is the presence of God? It’s not back over here, or just up ahead, or coming down from somewhere. We live in the glory of His love and His life and His Spirit IN us, right now!

Relationship, Not Religion

The world has forgotten what God looks like. Religion has hidden Him behind walls and ceremonies and shrouded His Word in mystery with their dead traditions. By comparison, Jesus came saying, “‘If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also’”(John 14:7).  Jesus offers us a relationship with the Father like the one He had!

What Do You See?

Moses sent 12 men to spy out the Promised Land. Ten of the spies saw themselves as grasshoppers in the sight of the giants that lived there. Two of the spies had a different perspective. They remembered what God had said and knew that NO giants could defeat them (Numbers 14:9 KJV). Where is your perspective right now? Has something become a giant in your life?

Don’t Play the Blame Game

It is never wise to blame God, life, circumstances, the government, the economy, family, neighborhood, the past or anything else for the life you are experiencing right now. The truth is, whatever you have sown, you will reap. But the good news is, if you don’t like where you are right now, you can use that truth to turn things around!

Don’t Listen to a Liar

In these days in which we’re living, it’s vitally important to understand that Satan has NO power! The only so-called power he has is what we relinquish to him when we believe his lies over the Word of the Living God!

Everything You Need

In a day when so many think and talk of what they don’t have, or used to have, or would like to have, it’s very important to take stock of what you DO have. If you are a child of God, then you know you have Jesus Christ living in you and you are never alone!

God’s Promises—God’s Results

Sometimes we forget as believers that God has given us resources to make our lives easier. We can declare the promises of God over our lives and fully expect them to produce God-kind of results!

Under Our Feet

Scripture tells us in Ephesians 1:6 that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the challenges you will face on this earth. Our position in Christ is secure, and if we will look at ourselves from His perspective we will rise above the mountains and the enemies before us!

Healed NOW!

Jesus paid the price for our sin and sickness and disease on the cross. So it’s not, “I’m GOING to be healed,” but rather, “I AM healed already! Not because I feel healed or look healed, but because the Word of God is more powerful than the way I feel or look!”

It’s Time to Manifest!

People are looking for a demonstration of the Gospel—a manifestation of God in their midst! The want to know the reality that the Jesus who died 2,000 years ago has risen from the dead and is alive and moving in the earth!