After we have accepted Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation and are enjoying the freedom of the redeemed, we would be wise to do a little checkup to make sure we haven’t unconsciously slipped in any way from redemption into religion.
The following are 5 differences between Redemption and Religion:
- RELIGION is a “got to” way of life; REDEMPTION is a “get to” way of life.
- RELIGION is a door you must pass through in order to get into God’s presence;
REDEMPTION is an open door that is held open by Jesus, and no man can
shut it.
- RELIGION is man’s attempt to satisfy a holy God; REDEMPTION is God’s
attempt to make us holy by the sacrifice of a holy substitute.
- RELIGION is a shadow of the things to come without substance or power;
REDEMPTION is the reality of things to come through the substance of our
flesh and our words.
- RELIGION is form, a ritual, a tradition that acts like an empty shell, containing
no life or revelation within itself; REDEMPTION is an inner realization of the
Kingdom of God in the temple of our bodies that needs no form, ritual, or
tradition, because the King Himself resides within us!
As we approach Easter to celebrate the resurrection, let’s take a look at what happened afterward.
For 40 days Jesus stayed on the earth and taught in His resurrected body. What did He do and teach? Here are a few things He did not do. He did not raise the dead. He did not heal the sick. He did not deliver anyone.
Why not? What was the first thing He did do?
He appeared to Mary.
John 20:16
“Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
What does this mean? It means that Jesus is personal. I believe He makes Himself known to each of us in a personal way. He knows your name and He comes to each of us on a personal basis.
For example, at one of our meetings in Guntur, India, a young Muslim man and his mother were attending the night meetings for 5 nights. On the 4th night he came forward and testified that he had seen a cross coming to people each night and when it got close to the people, it turned into a man. On the 4th night that cross came to this young man and turned into Jesus. He gave his life to Jesus and his mother was healed of tuberculosis. The extreme shyness left him and he boldly spoke of this new personal relationship with Jesus!
“I am the vine and you are the branches” is a familiar bible quote to those in Christian circles. The grapevine elicits warm thoughts for many. For the French it is the taste of the wine that is important. For many it is the taste of the grape whether it is red, green or purple. For others, it is savoring the taste of the juicy, yellow and red raisins that come from this most luscious of fruits.
For the Christian, this statement “I am the vine you are the branches,” speaks of an intimate relationship with God that produces a marvelous fruit for tasting by those who are near and those who are dear. The fruit that flows from the branch is either a sweet tasting savor of Christ, or a bitter flavor of a life devoid of good fruit. Regardless, the reality is that Christ tells us that this relationship of vine and branch produces a connection of such power that we can ask anything we desire of the Lord and He will grant it.
I encourage you today to spend time abiding in the Word of God. Let it infuse your life with energy and vision that will produce fruit worthy of the tasting!
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:5-8 NIV
For everything God created is good…1 Tim 4:4 NIV
Today we begin another great week with expectation of what God holds in store for us! Looking into the scriptures I find 224 references that include the word GOD and GOOD. Have you taken time today to remember that God is the author of good? It is our enemy the devil who is the author of confusion, hatred and strife! As we begin this week let’s pray that our attitudes reach the magnitude that Jesus set when He said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27 NIV
Friends and partners, we are praying for you to experience God’s goodness and God’s guidance!
“We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose” (Rom 8:28 AMP).
WOW! I get excited when I read this passage. God is a partner in our labor working things together for us! What a pleasure it is to trust in HIM knowing that he is working behind the scenes on our behalf. Today in prayer, I heard myself saying, “God, YOU are my partner and I have total confidence that you are bringing in the resources, people and establishing the plans in your time frame!”
Each one of are continually surrounded by change due to difficulties in this natural world; however, in this time of transition we use our faith and our passion to latch on to God’s will and the wealth that is available for transfer into the hands of those in the kingdom of God! We are not down, defeated without hope or alternatives BUT WE ARE UP, EXPECTANT AND DREAMING OF NEW POSSIBILITES IN CHANGING TIMES!
Thank you Lord for bringing in the people and resources and blessing all of our partners!
As a minister, when I walk up to the pulpit I think and believe that I am going to change the world. I know that what is real to me will be real to you. The reality is that what stimulates you will stimulate others. What awakens your creative impulse will awaken and enlighten the spirit of mankind.
Who wants another dead preacher? The truth is that pulpits are putting people to sleep. What excites you? What makes you happy? What puts a spark under you and a briskness in your step? This is what the world is hungering for. They want a purpose greater than themselves that they can throw themselves into, and come alive in the pursuit of something greater than themselves. Jesus is offering it!
People are designed by God to be happy. Even those who carry the burden of leadership are called to do it with joy. Anybody can see the problems of life, it takes people of faith to see and rejoice in the answers!
The apostle Paul took on the mantle of leading the early church with all of its weaknesses and miscalculations, yet he said he planned to keep everything in a perspective that would cause him to finish his course with joy.
Acts 20:24
“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”
Don’t let life make you bitter, but better!
“Now…give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke in that day…” Joshua 14:12a
The story of Caleb found in the Old Testament is an amazing picture of perseverance in the face of national disobedience and a 45 year wilderness saga. Only belief in the vision God had given Caleb kept him determined not to yield to the consequences of a complaining, disobedient generation of evil doers and an aging body that naturally would have weakened over 45 years.
Caleb was delivered from the hands of the Egyptians along with approximately 3 million Israelites. He saw God protect him as he partook of the Passover and saw this group of 3 million walk out of Egypt carrying the spoils of wealth.
Caleb had history with God!
Even so, when the children were on their journey to the Promised Land, something became very obvious. This group still carried the image of slavery in their hearts. When the opportunity to seize their promise arrived, they chose to remember where they came from instead of the One from whom they came…and they died in the desert.
Caleb, on the other hand, saw a land of possibilities, and although there were giants in the land, he understood that the God of Israel would deliver him once again!
What picture will you embrace today – the picture of your past or the picture of your possibility?
Love is a much greater motivator for men and women than any dollar or any discipline.
Love inspires every creature to be more than just a creation.
Love believes—when all evidence says it should not.
Love sees a bright future, even when dark clouds suggest storms on the horizon.
Love is the power of God.
Love lays down its life for the unloved.
Love pays the price others will not pay.
Love—the weapon of God—has conquered armies, won nations and made disciples of the vilest of men.
Many years ago, my husband and I went to the Philippines where I preached to a large congregation. I remember how during the sermon the Holy Spirit urged me to repeat again and again, “Jesus saves! Jesus heals! Jesus saves! Jesus heals! Jesus saves! Jesus heals!” Then I suddenly stopped. My husband looked at me and whispered, “Leslie, say something else.” I replied, “Kevin, Jesus saves! Jesus heals!”
Suddenly something started happening—the kind of things that Jesus did when He was here on earth, as it is written in the Scriptures: “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matthew 9:35). Suddenly, a woman shouted, “I can see! Jesus heals! He healed my eyes! I was blind and now I can see!”
“My tumor has disappeared!” another woman shouted. Someone else cried out, “I can hear! God opened my ears! For the first time in my life I can hear my child’s voice!”
Nobody touched them! Nobody laid hands on them! But GOD was present at that place. HE was there. He touched people and healed every sickness and disease.
God does not play favorites, He loves everybody. Those people in the Philippines are the same as you. God healed them, and He wants to heal you!
How do you picture God? Do you envision Him as distant? Angry? Vengeful? Cruel? In truth, He is none of these. God is good. Our God is a God of joy, a God of love. He wants all people to know that He is alive and desires to heal everyone.
We have hosted tent festivals in many cities of Eurasia and Africa and have seen thousands of people being healed. God wants all people to be healthy and that is why He not only desires but also is ready to heal any sickness. God’s Word says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, God delivers you from sins and sickness. God loves all people equally and He does not have favorites. The Scriptures tell us that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that each person would be saved (John 3:16). This applies to every one of us.
No matter what your problem is or what it is that you need, God sent His Son Jesus so that you and I could receive life!