Equipped to Excel

There is no need to worry about ability, equipment, talent, or a changing world. When we were born into this world we were marvelously designed to handle life on earth. We were gifted with organs to process all the food available. We were given digestion, nerve, respiratory, reproduction, motor skills, balance and equilibrium, as well as an amazing sensory network to gather information on smells, noise, sight, touch, and sound. We also had all this information gathering instantly connected to a giant computer called a brain that no machine can compare to, so instant decisions can be made about the information. Everything to start a wonderful, productive, successful adventure on earth…we get all of it at birth! It just needs to be developed.

What happens at our re-birth? The Bible says that those who believe in the substitution of Jesus Christ, that He became our sin so we could become God’s righteousness, experience a born again reality.

Is it real? What does it do? It IS real and it should equip everyone on earth with the spiritual ability to navigate the challenges we face that our five senses have no answer to.

Growth in your spiritual life will do at least as much as growth in the physical for this world experience, and much more for the world to come.

Enjoy the journey!


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