Expand Your Dream! (Part 2)
With a dream of 100 tents you would think our friends and associates would have been excited! But in reality, no one on our team in Russia believed. Initially, many Russians thought we were crazy and wondered, who were those crazy Americans?
But we had a vision in our hearts! We did our research and found the facts, we communicated our dream and made plans for the possible delays we might face as we raised the funds for this new undertaking.
By breaking down our dream into logical steps we were able to sustain ourselves in the difficult times. Clarity in your vision statement and in your plans will allow you to move forward when others are still questioning the value of your dream.
Have you ever had an idea that family and friends seemed to think did not fit your future? Get that dream out today, dust it off, refine it and begin dreaming again! Remember, dreams are created a size too big for us to grow into—but with careful planning and execution you will succeed!