EPISODE 20: Do Something Practical

What if you had a life-changing idea? How would you respond? In truth, one inspired idea can completely change your life!

In every Idea Zone episode, we will explore life-transforming ideas along with real-world application. We will discover methods and practices that will propel you to greater personal achievement. Join us as together we encounter the Idea Zone.

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Soul Searching Questions


Adjust Your Thinking


Control Your Behavior

Latest Blog Posts

Living in the NOW

Our New Creation life holds no more uncertainty about our future, or of any repercussions from our past. We live in the NOW, allowing GOD to work in us and transform us into the image of Christ.  “And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His […]

Your Bill Has Been Paid

Jesus took ALL the punishment necessary to secure your peace. All your sin, the evil, the sickness, the disease, the mental anguish—it all went upon Him. That means there is NOTHING in this earth that comes from the devil—sickness, disease, evil, oppression, poverty, bondage—that Jesus hasn’t already borne upon Himself and taken care of for […]

Will The Real You Please Stand Up?

You’ll never rise above the view you have of yourself. That little movie screen in your mind that keeps showing your mistakes and weaknesses of the past has to go, because that’s NOT who you are anymore! When you were born again and became a New Creation IN CHRIST, the old you in Adam ceased […]

Redeemed and Restored

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Everything You Need is Already Yours!

In the New Testament it says, “With His stripes we are healed” (1 Peter 2:24). Must we wait for God’s good old time? No! Live all of God’s promises in the NOW! His grace has already been poured out to mankind in the new covenant, and is available to us the moment we are born […]

None of These Things Move Me

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