Find The Moment

Our days are made up of moments, and each day there can be special moments where we feel the touch of the Master on our shoulder, the whisper of His voice in our ear, or the gentle thought of His love in our heart.

Faith Or Fear For The Future?

What God has written in your heart, when spoken from your lips, is like a spiritual magnet that draws the favor, circumstances, and people necessary to see it fulfilled. Temporary course changes, shortages, shrinkage, or setback will not affect future fulfillment!

Expecting His Presence

Jesus can suddenly stand in our midst. He is alive, His presence is within, and He has a long history of showing up in the midst of our messiest situations. Let us live with an expectation of His presence!

Confidence in His Character

What compels us to go continue going to the hurting peoples of the world? Our confidence in the resurrected Lord that His will has not changed, His plan for man has not changed, His power has not changed, and His love has not changed!

Celebrate Your Difference!

When you are born of God and carry His Spirit in you, you consider things with an eternal viewpoint. You value things that others might consider foolish. Celebrate your difference!

The Benefit of Mistakes

Haste has ruined many a budding love story and many prosperous business partnerships. We live with a God who has planned the universe, and He has some long range plans for you. Build your life with an expectation that He is building it with you—don’t get in a hurry and take the detour of mistakes!


One nugget of wisdom can instantly bring clarity to any difficult decision. Wisdom is the picture of new hope and a new possibility for the situations that stand before us.  We are to ask for wisdom knowing that God will respond with the answer, idea, or nugget of truth necessary to scale our mountain!

What’s In Your Toolbox?

God has given us simple tools to help us construct a beautiful garden of peace and tranquility in the midst of life’s storms. Yet, I would have to ask the question: Have we opened the toolbox to discover what is available to each one of us?

The Winning Team

God is for me! Who can be against me? With these words ringing in your ears, I challenge you today to get up and get going! You are the only one who can—no one else can do it for you!

The Love Charge

Remember that we must keep God’s ways. God’s way is the LOVE way! What does love say? It does not remember a wrongful hurt. It does not seek its own. It is not easily provoked. It speaks no evil. Love does not envy. Love is kind. Love endures all things. Love is the force from which faith flows! No love—no faith!