God has granted us access to a relationship far greater than a master and a slave. He set all things before us so that we might enjoy the very best that life has to give!
We are not mere servants of God, but through God’s Son Jesus Christ we become children of God. Jesus called God Father! Have you ever called God ‘Father’? Perhaps you have called Him Creator, or you identify Him with the cosmic universe. But I want you to know today you can call Him Father.
Trust begins with a simple decision to get to know God through His words. How can you know all the functions of your TV or your cell phone if you don’t spend some time in the search menus or with the instruction booklet?
God only requires one thing for trust. He tells us, get to know Me and My words, and I will get to know you.
The Creator of the universe so desired to be connected with you and me that He created a beautiful garden and placed people just like you and me in the very center.
David the King said, “I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you set in place – what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us! You put us in charge of everything you made and gave us authority over all things.”
Did you know that God trusts you? And that you were created for a purpose and fashioned for dignity? Perhaps you feel like you cannot be trusted, or you cannot trust because you’ve been hurt too deeply. Today I want you to know that you can trust God – He will trust you!
Scripture: Psalm 8:3
Have you ever considered who designed the universe? Have you ever pondered that like God, you were made for good with an ability to create? You and I are created to be hooked up to the greatest factory of ideas that ever existed!
We were created in the image of the One who has a supernatural reservoir of inspired possibilities. Like God, the Creator of the universe, we have a voice, words, ideas and an ability to dream and communicate. We were fashioned for fellowship with the Creator of the universe and we were gifted to be creators ourselves! http://bit.ly/1GCCBcy
The blessing of the Lord makes you rich and He adds NO SORROW with it. There is no negative effect of God’s blessing. No regret, remorse, fear, anxiety, or defiled conscience in God’s wealth plan!
Embrace these scriptures as your contract with your Creator:
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the power to get wealth and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”
Remember that it is the Lord your God who GIVES YOU POWER to become rich.
“But YOU WILL RECEIVE POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
You are unstoppable with these powers at work in your life!
Scriptures: Prov. 10:22, Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV, Acts 1:8 NIV
When God gives you a dream He gives you a partnership to go along with that dream! You can’t go it alone – any dream worth accomplishing requires people in order to accomplish it.
“But I never have good success working with people!” you might say. In reality, as long as there are people on this earth you will always have problems! The real opportunity before you is to learn to lead people, and learn to anticipate problems. You can’t go it alone! Isolation is the enemy of many a dream and the elephant in the room for many a dreamer.
You don’t need an audience cheering you on, but one friend, one associate can certainly provide ample encouragement when you face life’s struggles. You need a DREAM TEAM that will support you as you move forward! http://bit.ly/1aRE8jT
How do you build your dream team? Before considering a new team member, here are a few questions to ask:
-Does the person I am considering for my team believe in my ability to succeed?
-Does this potential team member respect me, the vision and the existing team?
-Do their skills complement mine?
-Is this person emotionally responsible for their intents and actions?
-Do they have initiative?
-Do they positively energize me and the team?
-Do we have fun together when we dream together?
If your new team member meets these standards, then I believe you are on the right path!
What questions should you ask as you craft your vision statement? Let’s think about this for a moment. Your ability to attract the talent required to complement your strengths is key in initiating your vision! Why? Your vision statement is where you invite people to participate and associate.
A BIG DREAM is exciting and provides harbor for like-minded individuals. A big dream, however, is not enough to attract people. A big dream requires clarity to convince people of your potential and initiate confidence that you can be trusted! Not only must your dream make room for others, it must provide clarity! Your vision statement will identify the problem you wish to address, challenge the status quo, and illuminate a direction! http://bit.ly/1anAkq5
As you embark upon your dream remember these four words: WORK, WORSHIP, REST & PLAY.
Work routines provide healthy self-esteem and a confidence that your dream is well underway. Worship is our expression to God for all that He has done in creating and preparing us for the life ahead. Worship helps us acknowledge that a source greater than ourselves is gently guiding and strengthening us each day.
Rest is the time required to recharge our physical and mental capabilities. We are complex beings that have a spirit, live in a body and function through our mind, will and emotions. Rest recharges our spiritual, physical and emotional energy.
My last encouragement is to remind you to PLAY! Allowing ourselves to play opens up a child-like spirit of creativity allowing us to dream as only a child can do. Go for a swing! Play! Ride the local carousel! Treat yourself to an ice cream! Tap into the supernatural reservoir of joy and energy that is resonant within!
What new thoughts have you embraced on this way of prosperity? What principles of wealth do you know?
– God has given us Power (or ability) to obtain wealth.
– The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.
– The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.
– The Lord will open to you His good treasure.
– The Lord shall command His blessing upon you in all that you set your hand to.
Take an ACTION step today! Look for an idea to bless someone! Think on this idea! Rehearse the idea and then YOU make the idea a reality! Remember, if God is for you who can be against you?
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 10:22 NIV, Psalm 35:27, Deuteronomy 28:12, Deuteronomy 28:8, Romans 8:31
Most dreams are not lost to economic circumstance or unbelief, but time without evidence of fulfillment brings discouragement. Discouragement is the precursor to confusion, and confusion will only undermine self-confidence. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
Remember: Let time work for you by developing, training, practicing, praying and rehearsing. Develop a daily routine that will help you accomplish your life’s goals. Take a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:
- What is the most important habit I can establish in order to reach my desired dream?
- What morning routines should I establish in order to be highly productive each day?
- What is my most productive time of the day? When should I tackle my creative or administrative tasks?