Quote: “All achievement, all earned riches have their beginning in an idea.” – Napolean Hill
Napolean Hill knew something of success as he interviewed 500 of the leading business people in the early 20th century. In his book “Think and Grow Rich,” Hill identifies the key characteristic necessary for development of true riches – it’s summarized in one word: THINK.
Have you ever studied the importance of your thoughts to this degree? Have you ever considered how important your mind is? Have you ever pondered just how powerful an idea or thought can truly be? Why not get busy today and think your way to the top, and open a door to a new tomorrow!
PEACE is not resignation – but RESILIENCY. Psychological resilience is defined as an individual’s ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity. A scattered mind is, like the bible says, a wave tossed about by the wind of the sea.
Where does life find you today? You may be in the midst of a hurricane or a financial storm—perhaps you are facing other issues. Remember, peace is not the absence of turmoil. Peace is the rudder of the soul that provides solitude in the midst of turmoil. God promises to keep in perfect peace all who trust in Him, all whose thoughts are fixed on Him! http://bit.ly/1IzEZ40
Scriptures: James 1:6, Isaiah 26:3 NLT
After His resurrection, Jesus’ first words to those in the upper room were words of peace. Peace is one of the major topics of the New Testament! Peace is called the ‘umpire of our heart,’ and is used in all our decision making. Jesus is called the Prince of peace. Whenever Jesus appeared to people, He spoke peace first.
We must have peace in our soul to see real progress in our life. It is in the seedbed of peace and tranquility that creativity thrives and answers come forth. It is also the posture we must have to give us the inner assurance that stabilizes us for the storms. When Jesus spoke peace to His disciples, the bible says that they were glad. When you find that place of peace, you also will find a smile on your lips and a laugh in your heart!
Scripture: Colossians 3:15, Isaiah 9:6, John 20:9
How do you build your dream team? Before considering a new team member, here are a few questions to ask:
-Does the person I am considering for my team believe in my ability to succeed?
-Does this potential team member respect me, the vision and the existing team?
-Do their skills complement mine?
-Is this person emotionally responsible for their intents and actions?
-Do they have initiative?
-Do they positively energize me and the team?
-Do we have fun together when we dream together?
If your new team member meets these standards, then I believe you are on the right path!
Quote: “Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.” – William Hazlitt
Is it possible to obtain inner peace? Some believe that inner peace is found in the tranquility of meditation or the absence of thought or feeling. Jesus opened the door to inner peace when He said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
What is Inner Peace? Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace. The ancient scriptures define peace as being well, happy, healthy prosperous, restful, safe, whole, secure, quiet and set at one with God. Peace brings those created in God’s image back into harmony with the Creator. J. Donald Walters said, “You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory.”
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith! http://bit.ly/1HuIBWq
Scripture: John 14:27 NLT, 1 John 5:4
When God gives you a dream He gives you a partnership to go along with that dream! You can’t go it alone – any dream worth accomplishing requires people in order to accomplish it.
“But I never have good success working with people!” you might say. In reality, as long as there are people on this earth you will always have problems! The real opportunity before you is to learn to lead people, and learn to anticipate problems. You can’t go it alone! Isolation is the enemy of many a dream and the elephant in the room for many a dreamer.
You don’t need an audience cheering you on, but one friend, one associate can certainly provide ample encouragement when you face life’s struggles. You need a DREAM TEAM that will support you as you move forward! http://bit.ly/1aRE8jT
The Society of International Law in London states that during the last 4,000 years there have been only 268 years of peace in spite of good peace treaties. In the last 3 centuries there have been 286 wars on the continent of Europe alone.
According to the Global Peace Index, in 2013, 9.8 trillion dollars was spent on containing violence in the earth! This is 75 times the amount of money spent on foreign aid. Yet with all this money spent on containing violence we are no closer to a global solution for peace, and war rages on in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Congo, Afghanistan, and many others.
How important is the subject of peace? At the birth of Jesus, the angels said to the shepherds watching their flocks, “Peace on earth, good will toward all men.” Jesus’ first words to His disciples after His resurrection were, “Peace be with you.” God’s heart is to restore peace to humanity!
Scripture: Luke 2:14, John 20:19
God has put a road in front of you. Not just a little overgrown path but a great highway! Even if you are uneducated, unemployed, unsophisticated or any other negative thing, you still can live error free on this road provided by God.
If Jesus is your Lord, you will even find protection there from the lions of life. Those that roar as well as those that bite! It is not a hard road for you to find. Jesus said “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Scripture: Matt. 11:30
What questions should you ask as you craft your vision statement? Let’s think about this for a moment. Your ability to attract the talent required to complement your strengths is key in initiating your vision! Why? Your vision statement is where you invite people to participate and associate.
A BIG DREAM is exciting and provides harbor for like-minded individuals. A big dream, however, is not enough to attract people. A big dream requires clarity to convince people of your potential and initiate confidence that you can be trusted! Not only must your dream make room for others, it must provide clarity! Your vision statement will identify the problem you wish to address, challenge the status quo, and illuminate a direction! http://bit.ly/1anAkq5
When we understand the One Who lives in us and is our Helper, we are not afraid to take on any challenge. The key to overcoming is not perfection, but perseverance!
An American swimmer was after a new Olympic gold record. During the 7th race he was continually behind the Croatian swimmer, but a photo finish moment would determine his destiny. With 6 inches left to go, his opponent lifted his head and reached out for the wall. The American kept his head down, allowing for one more stroke. Stretching his right hand out, he touched the wall 1\100 of a second before the hand of his opponent, and history was made. One extra stretch was the difference between victory and defeat!
“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Scripture: John 14:26, Philippians 3:12-14