Beginning to Dream

Have you ever wondered, how do I begin living my dream? Maybe you’ve thought, How can I dream when I am so busy and have so many responsibilities? Or perhaps you have an idea, but you might ask… Where do I find the inspiration to begin? Or… What do I do with the inspiration that I feel?”

REMEMBER: DREAMS need an action plan and strategic intention in order to move forward. A dream of the heart without a plan, simply put, is nothing more than a fantasy.  To become reality, dreams must be accompanied by a plan of action! But don’t worry! That’s why I have created my Live Your Dream –7 Step Dream Sheets. For a limited time only, they are free. This workbook has helped many people just like you open the door to a new future! Take some time today and download my free gift to you!

In English: Live Your Dream- 7 Step Dream Sheets

In Telegu: Live Your Dream -7 Step Dream Sheets 


The God Connection

“Today, people have the means to live, but nothing to live for.” – Victor E. Frankl

Human dignity is an internal characteristic that allows us to draw an image of self not dependent upon what others say or what others do, but dependent upon an inner source of spiritual strength. Have you found this source of inner strength?

Victor Frankl connected with this strength, and in his mind found the true meaning of life.  Yet, as many would observe, this spiritual strength comes from a living “God” connection with the true spiritual self. This “God” connection as some would say, has little to no meaning if the word “God” is meant to include everything or all things worshipped.  But, this “God” source that penetrates throughout eternity has a name and a purpose:  to restore humanity to the “true” dignity for which we were created.

Scripture: Psalm 8:4-6,9


Tall Poppy Syndrome

Have you ever heard of the “Tall Poppy Syndrome”? Really, this just means that anytime anyone raises their head higher than others, they are cut down. Essentially, the purpose is to keep everyone running at the same pace.

God does not see you as a tall poppy, He sees you as a crown of splendor!  Regardless of missed or failed opportunities, we can take courage and recognize that if God lifts your head no one can put it down! Today allow God to be the lifter of your head. Reach out and receive the true dignity He offers to those who call upon His name!

Scriptures: Isaiah 62:3, Psalm 3:3


Most books in the airport book store are full of natural wisdom for businessmen on the move, but I wonder if they would be best sellers in the library of Jesus in His home town of Nazareth? He
seemed to have read a different book for His success. He spoke of a source that most businessmen do not consider when He said in Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Jesus was talking about the things that the gentiles seek after. The things that people want,
desire, eat, wear, live in, etc. He was saying that there is priority in life to receive from heaven the things you strive for on earth. The currency of Heaven is faith. How you use the faith you have will either unlock Heaven’s blessing, or limit you to just what your hand can produce. If you want to see more out of life, then it is wise to learn how your faith works. We know it is our faith that pleases God and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently use it. (Heb11:6) If we do not learn to see through the eyes of our faith, we will only see our need. When Jesus asked His disciples to feed the thousands of hungry people, their first response was to look at their need and say it was impossible. Their second response was to look at their few fish and
loaves…and still say it was impossible. Jesus taught them that with God nothing is impossible! He saw more than enough for the crowd and broke the bread and fish for the miracle. When the disciples were out fishing all night and caught nothing, Jesus gave them instruction to cast the net on the other side of the boat. Their first response was the natural wisdom that says it will not work. After all, they had fished all night and caught nothing. Then they obeyed, and the net could not contain all the fish that swam into it! Nature was responding to the words of
Jesus. Learn to respond to life with faith! Faith does not look at the need, but rather at the seed of God’s word as the supply for every situation. Faith is what pleases God and brings heaven to earth. We cannot speak enough on this subject, as it is the way God has chosen for the operation of His kingdom. In Heaven we do not need faith, but on Earth it is the key to meet any need!


Keep Moving!

Quote:  “In 40 years I’ve realized that the payments required for reaching a dream never stop. The higher you want to go the more you must give up and the greater price you pay, the greater joy you feel when you finally reach your dream!” – John Maxwell

Keep the Dream alive whatever it takes!  Ask these questions: How long before I succeed? What if I fail on my first attempt?

Look for incremental progress, because it always takes longer than you expect!  Don’t live in the desire for completion, live in the reality of incremental change.  As long as you are moving forward you are making progress!



Make A Difference

Quote: “Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard

Martin Luther King said, “In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”

Nothing is more deafening than silence when people turn an apathetic eye towards humanity. But you and I can make a difference in our world. Your actions count!  Today let’s make a decision to help someone we know, someone trapped by tragedy, poverty or hopelessness without life.

Great Expectations

APATHY is THE SUCCESS NEUTRALIZER, the inhibitor of dreams, the limiter of realization, and the thief of progress or life.

Apathy comes for many reasons – an expectation of failure, insensitivity to injustice, and a sense of helplessness.  Where apathy exists we find low expectation because initiative is lost, inhibiting our relationships and our opportunity in life.

Ask yourself some simple questions: Where have I set the standard for my life? Is failure my expectation, or is overcoming the impossible where I set my goal in life?

Did you know that apathy has a song made famous by the American singer Doris Day?  “Que Sera, Sera… whatever will be, will be…” You can kill motivation by surrendering your emotions, your will, and your expectation to a fatalistic philosophy of whatever, whenever, or whoever.

The Psalmist said, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God…”

Scripture:  Psalm 42:11

Dare To Dream!

At 11 years old, Kevin McNulty imagined himself playing on the tennis courts of WIMBLEDON. His dream sustained him through physical impairments, poverty and an environment where no one believed in him. All the ODDS were AGAINST HIM! Eventually Kevin won several university scholarships, became a junior’s tennis champion, captain of the university’s tennis team, and was recently recognized as one of the top 25 players in the 100 year history of the Michigan State University tennis program!   Although he never played Wimbledon, HIS DREAM allowed him to soar to heights that no one believed he could reach!

Imagination is unique to humanity…to every individual who dares to dream!

Dare to Dream! Dare to soar with your imagination!


From Apathy To Action

Quote: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein

How do you and I overcome apathy? First we have to understand it! What is apathy?

They observe but do not act.

They know but they do not care.

They hear but they do not respond.

They think of themselves rather than thinking of others.

Are YOU a part of the collective ‘THEY?’ Helen Keller said, “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all – the apathy of human beings”.

How many destinies can be changed when you and I emerge from apathy to action? Consider it: wherever you are today, you and I have power to initiate change! It does not matter your sex, age, or culture!

Just as Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Helen Keller overcame apathetic concern for their causes, you and I can discover renewed hope and expectation! Why wait? Let’s do it now!


There are qualities in humans that override every obstacle faced in this earth. The key to overcoming is not perfection but perseverance.

Recently, I was profoundly impacted as I watched a video of the famous swimmer, Michael Phelps, in his quest for the new Olympic gold record. During the 7th race he was behind the Croatian swimmer the entire time, but a photo finish moment would determine his destiny. With 6 inches left to go, his opponent lifted his head and reached out for the wall.  But Phelps kept his head down, allowing for one more stroke. Stretching his right hand out, he touched the wall 1\100 of a second before the hand of his opponent, and history was made. One extra stroke and that little extra stretch was the difference between victory and defeat!

Paul had this attitude as He reached for his best life. He said:

“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me… I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which area head, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14)