Money Follows Vision

The COST of your dream? Face the reality that you may need to raise the funds to acquire your dream, you may need a new education, you may need to find legal assistance to initiate your idea!

You might say, “I don’t have enough money to fulfill my vision!” Believe it or not, that’s not a new thought—most dreams begin with very little!  MONEY FOLLOWS VISION!  It’s not the money in your pocket that counts, but the value of the idea in your mouth that will open the door to opportunity!

It’s not what you have or what you know, but often it’s the WHO that you will meet that will make a dream a reality! Ask yourself: Who do you know? Who can you get to know?


Learning To Love

“A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” – Elbert Hubbard

The author of this phrase, Elbert Hubbard, also wrote a story about Ida Straus, and her death on the Titanic. As a woman she was supposed to be placed on a lifeboat before any of the men, but she refused to board the boat: “Not I!” She said, “I will not leave my husband. All these years we’ve traveled together, and shall we part now? No!” she said, “Our fate is one.”  Hubbard then added his own stirring commentary:

“Mr. and Mrs. Straus, I envy you that legacy of love and loyalty left to your children and grandchildren. The calm courage that was yours all your long and useful career was your possession in death. You knew how to do three great things—you knew how to live, how to love and how to die.”

Ask yourself these three simple questions: Have I discovered the key to a full life? Have I learned to love with a full heart? What will I do when one day I face death? These questions, as simple as they may appear, lie at the core of a meaningful life!

You Can Be The Answer

As a young woman Mother Theresa, who was suffering from tuberculosis, heard the “call within the call” and knew she was to leave the convent in Calcutta and work with the poor living among them. With only 5 Rupees in her hand, she started a school in the slums to teach the children of the poor. Mother Theresa, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and India’s highest Civilian Award, Bharat Ratnanow, set up nearly 570 homes for the poor in 125 countries.

Like Mother Theresa – ONE IDEA – ONE THOUGHT from God can bring significant change, not only to your life but to the lives of those you know in your community and in your nation!

When we are facing life’s deepest tragedies and our most serious personal problems, often the thing we need the most is to hear the voice of someone else who is asking for help!  Have you heard that voice?

Ask yourself this question: Who needs help in my community? YOU can become a modern day missionary of Good News! You can overcome the hardships of life! You can rise above poverty like Mother Theresa who had only 5 Rupees and was sick with tuberculosis, yet made a better life for millions of people!

Scripture: Romans 10:15

You Are Royalty!

David the Psalmist said, ‘Who is a person that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings 
and crowned him with glory and honor.
 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

God has a name. He is called the great “I AM”. The scripture says He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We find true dignity in trusting in the One who calls us a king and a lord regardless of our station in life.

Do you need a new view on life, a new opportunity to discover God? You can pray right now: “Lord Jesus, I want to know you. Come into my heart and reveal yourself to me. Come into my heart and lift me up today.”

Scripture:  Psalm 8:4-6,9 ESV

Counting The Cost

Nothing makes a dream come alive like writing your idea down and creating a prototype and determining what resources are required to pursue your dream. The following testimony could be you. What happened? A mother and a daughter decided to take the Live Your Dream – Dream Sheets and use them to layout the road map to their dream.

My daughter and I put our heads together on our idea, made some of them, then  prayed and asked around for a patent lawyer. We met with one on Feb. 25 and had a list of questions we asked and showed him our idea. When he saw it, he loved it, and loved the idea and that there were so many different distributors we could market to. My goal is–to market our product, bring in more money and give back to God. (I truly believe that you cannot out give God).”

It is often said that some of the most brilliant ideas were conceived over a meal and written on a paper napkin! Your idea may be brilliant but that’s just the beginning! We have provided you with a workbook to help you formulate the dream that’s in your heart!

How? Research what your dream requires. Ask yourself this question:  What price is too high to pay? Breakdown the cost of your dream on a personal level by asking these questions:

  1. What will my dream cost me personally – financially and emotionally?
  2. What will my dream cost my family? My marriage?
  3. What will my dream require from my current free time? Ask yourself, are you willing to give up your free time to pursue the dream that’s in your heart, or to learn a new skill, take a class, build a prototype, set a goal? Consider the price before you embark!

Be sure to download your Live Your Dream -7 Dream Sheets today! 

Scripture: Proverbs 3:6

Shake It Off

Quote: I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.
~Maya Angelou

Have you ever had the question arise in your heart of why something happened to you that you did not want or expect? Does God want our hearts to be broken or our energy diminished? No, He does not! He said that in this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, He has overcome this world. It is clear that in this world circumstances and people can throw unexpected curve balls at you, but be of good cheer!

All that you are is NOT based on all that you have. Your value is based on the image God has of you as His righteous, holy, empowered son or daughter. The great apostle Paul went through shipwreck, near drowning, and two weeks of being tossed like a ball on the ocean before he was finally delivered and made it to land. You would think angels would have started a chorus of praise as their main man survived, but instead he gets a snake bite! What does he do? Should he get mad at God for adding insult to injury? No, He just shakes it off. He has places to go and people to meet!

Whatever happens to you, SHAKE IT OFF!

Scripture: John 16:33


What Will It Cost?

Have you ever wondered, “How do I put my dream to the test?”  What measurements, standards or costs are associated with your dream?  Anything worth having has a price attached!

To improve your game skills as an athlete you have to practice, practice, practice.  Likewise, in the daily pursuit of our dream sometimes we don’t feel like carrying on, but the sheer will of fortitude, the desire to win and the constant challenge to press beyond our current capabilities keeps us charging forward toward our destination.

Never give up, stretch the extra mile, and always discover the cost of your dream!

Never Alone

In the modern song entitled, “I Am a Friend of God”, the writer asks the question of God, “Who am I that you are mindful of me? That you hear me, when I call? Is it true that you are thinking of me?”

Mother Theresa said, “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” The writer of “I am a Friend of God” concludes his song by stating of God, You (God) call me friend! You have a friend in God! He has said in His Word, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So go ahead and take His hand….He’s there, right now!

Scripture: Hebrews 13:5

Out Of The Comfort Zone

Consider: does my dream capitalize on my strengths and minimize my weaknesses?  The law of least effort says you will find your purpose where you find your natural rhythm in life!

Ponder: does my dream get me excited about helping others?

Meditate: where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? How will you know that you have achieved your ultimate success?

Remember…it’s never too late or never too early to begin dreaming!  You’re never too poor or too limited to dream!

Today let’s push out of the comfort zone and enter the Idea Zone! You won’t regret it!

The Stress Solution

What does a friend offer? Unconditional Acceptance, Unwavering Commitment, Unswerving Loyalty.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton in “The Biology of Belief,” a staggering 98% of diseases are due to lifestyle choices, and therefore related to thinking.

The American Institute of Health estimated that 75 – 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems.

A 10 year Australian study of 1,500 elderly conducted by the Centre for Ageing Studies at Flinders University, found that those who had a large network of friends outlived those with the fewest friends by 22%.

What is this stress? Could it be distress in the mind—a mind filled with a continuous stream of worries, fears and distorted perceptions, all of which trigger degenerative processes throughout the mind and body?  Today you can make the choice for peace in your mind and freedom of dis-ease in your body.

At the birth of Jesus the Angels announced peace on earth and goodwill to people! What does Jesus offer YOU? FRIENDSHIP! He offers understanding in the midst of your storm and uncompromising Support when you don’t know where to turn. He offers a way out of stress by simply calling on His name!  Jesus offers you friendship with God, peace for your mind and ultimately, health for your soul and body!