Have you ever asked the question, “How do I pray?” Prayer is talking with God, your friend. It’s just a conversation between friends! Prayer is opening your heart to God’s thoughts and ways. He desires to open His heart to you and He WILL answer you. The scripture says “seek me and you will find me.” What’s holding you back today? You can seek Him right now! How? Just ask Him to come into your heart and into your thoughts!
In his book, “The Message that Works,” TL Osborn includes a chapter about FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD in which he states that God declares, “YOU CAN TRUST ME, I WILL TRUST YOU!” Have you considered that God trusts you? And therefore you can trust YOURSELF? I believe this is the essence of God’s heart toward you today.
You and I were created for fellowship with God, for friendship with God. Our rightful place is at His side, not under His thumb or His feet. He doesn’t carry a hammer or a whip, commanding obedience—no, our rightful place is standing arm-in-arm with the living, loving God!
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:13
Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I live my dream? Where do I begin?”
Abraham, a man of God in the bible, desired to have a family. He and his wife were very old, beyond the child bearing age. But God gave Abraham a dream and told him to “look up at the sky and count the stars, that’s how many descendants you will have!”
Maybe life’s struggles or hard economic times tell you to downsize your dream, but ideas are meant to be SUPERSIZED! You can dream big and live large with your ideas! The story is told of the shoe salesmen that arrived in Africa. As he deplaned he saw that the people had no shoes so immediately packed up and went home! Another shoe salesmen upon arriving in Africa immediately corresponded with the home office and told them send me as many shoes as you can the African shoe market is completely untapped!
So where do you begin today? When capturing your dream, take off the limits! You are like a star in the sky, shining with potential. If each one of us dares to dream the impossible we can change our lives, our families and our communities! http://bit.ly/1y7SUbs
In our last two Blogs we discussed the importance of asking the right questions when qualifying the dream that is in our heart! Today we take a look at:
Question #3 Is My Dream Good for Me?
If you are a woman, it is likely that you have never even asked this question. Most women spend the majority of their time taking care of their families–their husband, their children, maybe even their neighbor’s kids or a whole host of people but rarely do they stop to ask the question: Is my dream good for me?
This last and all important question helps us qualify whether or not we have the strength to pursue our dreams. No dream is accomplished by good luck, super charm or because the planets align in a particular supernatural order. NO – I HAVE LEARNED OVER THE YEARS that anything worth having will extract a price, on the road to obtaining your end goal. SO, THE QUESTION FOR YOU TODAY is…
Do I have the strength to make that choice to pursue the desire that is in my heart?
I believe you do! Think on it…. It’s worth your time! http://bit.ly/1IvK0uC
To learn more download my Live Your Dream Workbook!
In our last Blog we discussed the importance of establishing a “LITMUS TEST” a standard by which we can evaluate or qualify our dreams. Today we continue with:
Question #2 Is My Dream Good for People? We could also ask: Is My Dream Good for Others?
Remember you can rise above average and discover a purpose that will not only benefit you and your family but your dream can benefit those around you! Creating win-win scenarios for people unlocks great potential and resource, and it paves a way for others to join you in your business, mission or project. Remember… solving a problem for someone else is a clear path to your own problems being solved! The business world calls this a “win-win” attitude–a situation where everyone can benefit. Many people call it Karma, in other words, what comes around goes around. But I like to say it this way: Give — and it will be given back to you in abundance! Luke 6:38 http://bit.ly/1CqzMuF
To learn more download my Live Your Dream Workbook!
What measurements or parameters can you put in place to evaluate the dream that is in your heart?
I like to begin with a LITMUS test. What is a litmus test? In this application a litmus test establishes parameters that help us to make a judgment about whether our dream is acceptable. It will help you establish a solid-foundation for defining your dream by asking three important questions. Look for Questions #2 & #3 in later blogs.
Question #1: Is My Dream Good for God? This is a simple, yet profound question that allows you to value your dream. I can tell you that God’s will is not a mystery or drudgery. Knowing God’s will produces confidence! When you can say, “my dream is within the will of God,” it is as if God Himself is saying this must be done.
How else might we ask the question: Is My Dream Good for God? Give these questions a try:
- What would God want me to do to better or improve the world around me?
- What is His highest and best will for my life?
- What is in my heart in abundance? Ancient scripture says, that God gives us the desires of our heart. Or rather, he puts the “His” desires in our heart. (Ps 37:4) http://bit.ly/1GVs4Zf
(Excerpted from the Live Your Dream- 7 Step Dream Sheets – download here)
What standard or values have you set for your life? Have you considered how unique you are? When you stop comparing yourself to others you can rise above average and become truly exceptional!
Remember, comparison limits your expression to what you have seen in others. Identifying YOUR uniqueness will allow you to shine with ease.
A life lived with dignity is not a life where we measure ourselves by the standard of others. A life of dignity is where we measure ourselves according to the values that we have set for ourselves. You may adopt the values of your faith, your family or your country. Choose a standard and live by it. Young people often determine to measure themselves by the value of the group around them and drift with the whims of the crowd. You were not created as a crowd! You were created unique! And to live with those unique qualities!
Your uniqueness can be as simple as the thing you love to do. No one is just like you! And no one is truly an enemy to your future except you! Dignity is the discovery that you have power to live your dreams not because of your parents, or education or even your possessions. Dignity is the realization that I have personal value today right where I am. I was created to experience greatness in life regardless of my station in life.
Right now, consider your own unique qualities and write down one of these qualities! Consider what door of opportunity this uniqueness could provide for you. You have been created for divine purpose! God is for you and NOT against you so I challenge you today to search out your dignity! Romans 8:31 http://bit.ly/1E0ePso
Have you ever wondered, how do I begin living my dream? Maybe you’ve thought, How can I dream when I am so busy and have so many responsibilities? Or perhaps you have an idea, but you might ask… Where do I find the inspiration to begin? Or… What do I do with the inspiration that I feel?”
REMEMBER: DREAMS need an action plan and strategic intention in order to move forward. A dream of the heart without a plan, simply put, is nothing more than a fantasy. To become reality, dreams must be accompanied by a plan of action! But don’t worry! That’s why I have created my Live Your Dream –7 Step Dream Sheets. For a limited time only, they are free. This workbook has helped many people just like you open the door to a new future! Take some time today and download my free gift to you! http://bit.ly/1CqyS1i
In English: Live Your Dream- 7 Step Dream Sheets
In Telegu: Live Your Dream -7 Step Dream Sheets
“Today, people have the means to live, but nothing to live for.” – Victor E. Frankl
Human dignity is an internal characteristic that allows us to draw an image of self not dependent upon what others say or what others do, but dependent upon an inner source of spiritual strength. Have you found this source of inner strength?
Victor Frankl connected with this strength, and in his mind found the true meaning of life. Yet, as many would observe, this spiritual strength comes from a living “God” connection with the true spiritual self. This “God” connection as some would say, has little to no meaning if the word “God” is meant to include everything or all things worshipped. But, this “God” source that penetrates throughout eternity has a name and a purpose: to restore humanity to the “true” dignity for which we were created.
Scripture: Psalm 8:4-6,9
Have you ever heard of the “Tall Poppy Syndrome”? Really, this just means that anytime anyone raises their head higher than others, they are cut down. Essentially, the purpose is to keep everyone running at the same pace.
God does not see you as a tall poppy, He sees you as a crown of splendor! Regardless of missed or failed opportunities, we can take courage and recognize that if God lifts your head no one can put it down! Today allow God to be the lifter of your head. Reach out and receive the true dignity He offers to those who call upon His name!
Scriptures: Isaiah 62:3, Psalm 3:3
Most books in the airport book store are full of natural wisdom for businessmen on the move, but I wonder if they would be best sellers in the library of Jesus in His home town of Nazareth? He
seemed to have read a different book for His success. He spoke of a source that most businessmen do not consider when He said in Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Jesus was talking about the things that the gentiles seek after. The things that people want,
desire, eat, wear, live in, etc. He was saying that there is priority in life to receive from heaven the things you strive for on earth. The currency of Heaven is faith. How you use the faith you have will either unlock Heaven’s blessing, or limit you to just what your hand can produce. If you want to see more out of life, then it is wise to learn how your faith works. We know it is our faith that pleases God and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently use it. (Heb11:6) If we do not learn to see through the eyes of our faith, we will only see our need. When Jesus asked His disciples to feed the thousands of hungry people, their first response was to look at their need and say it was impossible. Their second response was to look at their few fish and
loaves…and still say it was impossible. Jesus taught them that with God nothing is impossible! He saw more than enough for the crowd and broke the bread and fish for the miracle. When the disciples were out fishing all night and caught nothing, Jesus gave them instruction to cast the net on the other side of the boat. Their first response was the natural wisdom that says it will not work. After all, they had fished all night and caught nothing. Then they obeyed, and the net could not contain all the fish that swam into it! Nature was responding to the words of
Jesus. Learn to respond to life with faith! Faith does not look at the need, but rather at the seed of God’s word as the supply for every situation. Faith is what pleases God and brings heaven to earth. We cannot speak enough on this subject, as it is the way God has chosen for the operation of His kingdom. In Heaven we do not need faith, but on Earth it is the key to meet any need!