If you’re a born again believer, the devil can’t kill you but he can keep you a spiritual baby, allowing him to rob you of what belongs to you in Christ. How does he do this? By keeping you continually distracted and preoccupied with nonessential things, thoughts, and entertainment, to name just a few. Prioritizing time with God and His Word is the only way you will experience the victorious life and relationship with God that Jesus died to make available to you!
God is not sitting up in heaven behind some great golden desk of stern authority, automatically stamping “NO” on all our requests. Because of what Jesus did on our behalf, we have both access and conversation in the throne room of God!
The things you give attention to will grow and become stronger, and what you don’t pay attention to will diminish. If the giants in your life feel like they’re about to crush you, it’s time to adjust your focus over to the Word of God, and Jesus Christ, the giant slayer that lives in you!
God didn’t hold you guilty, He held Jesus guilty. Jesus went to the cross and paid the sin debt for all of humanity. When you accept this gift and receive Him as your Savior, you can walk away from shame and guilt and fear by going directly to God and giving it all to Him. You’ve been set free!
If we don’t learn to see through the eyes of our faith we will only see our need. Faith doesn’t look at the need, faith looks at the seed of God’s Word as the supply for every situation!
In the days we’re currently living in, it’s vitally important to understand that Satan has NO power! The only so-called power he has is what we relinquish to him when we believe his lies over the Word of the Living God!
The disturbances and confusion of the world is not a call to a monastic life, but rather a call to a higher thought life. Our victory is not found in fleeing the pressures of a secular world, but in keeping our thoughts in line with God’s thoughts in the midst of Satan’s bombardment.
What will you do with the gifts of God you have been given? Dedication to the Lord is that step where we devote ourselves to both the will and the way of God. Remember, talent is cheap but dedication is costly!
Dead religion and sin consciousness have created an inferiority complex in people, but God has no intention of putting you down. His great plan is to lift you up out of condemnation and give you a purpose!
When you start comparing sicknesses saying, “Well, that’s just a runny nose, but THIS is cancer!” what you’re really saying is that Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t powerful enough to overcome ALL sickness and disease. Stop looking through your natural eyes and look through the eyes of faith! It is the same GRACE that covers us all!