Instilling Vision in Others (Part 2)

Is your dream transferable? Who else will benefit from the majestic view of your dream? Is it motivational? Do you get excited about your dream? If you get excited others will also!

The following questions will help you clarify your dream by crafting a vision statement that identifies your destination, your purpose and your values. Remember these words: Transferable, Memorable and Motivational.

  1. Does your vision statement identify your destination? Where are you going?
  2. Does your vision statement define your purpose? Why do you exist? What greater good will your vision serve
  3. Does your vision statement convey your values? What principles guide your decisions or actions on your journey?
  4. Can your vision be easily captured by your audience?
  5. Is your vision memorable? Use action words and succinct sayings to convey your thoughts. Avoid clichés or overly used statements.
  6. And remember this. Is your vision motivational? Ask that question. It should be inspiring. If no one is excited about your vision you may not be effectively communicating.

Three things to remember as you continue moving forward with your dream:

Be Tenacious—toward your goal, tenacity is a firm grip on the future you have seen with the eye of your faith and in the heart of your imagination.

Be Gracious—not everyone is with your on your journey! Certainly many won’t believe and some will even question your motivation! Be gracious. You will win them over in the long run, and even if you don’t, the fruit of your actions will prove the wisdom of your decisions. With your actions, remember never to sweat the small stuff that goes wrong or the small distractions from the faithless around you. Stay with God; stay on principle; stay focused; be gracious. Today you can decide: I will be gracious to those who stand in the way of my dream! I will not allow the voice of negativity to halt my dreams!

And last: Be Spacious—make room for others. Include those you want to take along with you on the journey. No one likes going it alone! Dream big enough to include others in your dream. When others realize there is room for them they will join the team. Ask yourself, Who can I include? Are you living in a desert or near the vast ocean of abundant possibility? You may be in a desert, but can you see the Oasis!

Go to my website and download your free “LIVE YOUR DREAM” worksheets!


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