Today’s Story
Your Miracle Moment
What is a “Miracle Moment”? Few things convey and define a concept like a vivid example. These accounts showcase supernatural testimonials of miraculous intervention between God and mankind. Evidence of contact! Evidence that God is not only able, but completely willing and ready to intervene in the lives of anyone who comes to Him.
Through each Miracle Moment, you will find vivid, real-life illustration of the truth and power of the message that Dr. Leslie presents. These accounts will inspire your faith and stir an inward confidence that God is alive and completely aware of who and where you are.
Each video interview will underscore the life-changing power of the message of Jesus Christ, spiritually, socially, emotionally and even economically – power available not just to others, but to you! Expect to be inspired as you observe these Miracle Moments.
1. “Great Faith – Speak the Word Only”
2. “If Any Two Agree”
3. “Speak the Name of Jesus”
4. “The Prayer Offered in Faith”
5. “Believers Lay Hands on the Sick”
6. “A Special Gift of the Spirit”
7. “Natural Means”
7 Pathways to Healing