Stimulate Your Creativity Sensors!

Do you realize that you have God-implanted creativity sensors? Fundamental to creative thought is an awareness of the 5 senses: smell, sight, touch, hearing and taste!  Stimulation of the 5 senses is a powerful tool in developing creative thought!

Did you know that the sense of smell is located in the part of the brain that effects emotions, memory and creativity? Aromas such as vanilla and cinnamon are known to stimulate creativity. A trip to the market could open up a world of creative thought for you today!

Do you recognize that color can promote feelings of creativity, enhance the power of focus or stimulate a sense of urgency? Color has significant meaning in religious and meditative thought.

What about sound? Are you aware that ambient music can improve creativity? According to the Journal of Consumer Research, ambient sound levels ranging from 50 to 70 decibels can increase creative productivity. These moderate sound levels stimulate the mind to activity. This is not an exercise in turn-up-the-music-as-loud-as-possible, but rather an exercise in creating a mood that will cause your thoughts to flow.

Have you tapped into the spiritual aspect of your creativity? I am not simply talking about an awareness that God gave you 5 senses, I am referring to divine empowerment by God!

Think About Your Thinking!

Thinking is central to creativity! Our mentor, Dr. TL Osborn, famous missionary statesmen, instilled in my husband and I the importance of deliberate thought. Most people drift through life allowing others to think for them. Some people wake up in the morning and resolve to think for the day, yet others awake and decide to think for the week. But the real winners in life resolve to think for a whole month and even dare to target innovative and inventive ideas.

If we do not anticipate change or the potential limitation found in daily routine, the normalcy of life can limit our creative thought! You might be faced with unanticipated problems or crisis scenarios. Creative thinking allows us to anticipate future problems, resolve existing crises, and develop new solutions for life!

In my “10 Ideas for Creativity” workbook, which I encourage you to download today, we explore concepts to stimulate creative thought.

4 Words to Remember

As a former collegiate athlete, intensity was my mode of operation, and “no pain–no gain” was my motto!  Only when a wonderfully kind Australian pastor I met in my travels challenged me to evaluate my life did I begin to realize that I was driving my life rather than enjoying it. He challenged me to establish daily, weekly, and annual routines of work, worship, rest and play.

As you embark upon your dream, remember:

Work routines provide healthy self-esteem and a confidence that your dream is well underway. Worship is our expression to God for all that He has done in creating and preparing us for life. Worship helps us acknowledge that a source greater than ourselves is gently guiding and strengthening us each day.

Rest is the time required to recharge our physical and mental capabilities. We are complex beings that have a spirit, live in a body and function through our mind, our will and emotions. Rest recharges our spiritual, physical and emotional energy.

My last encouragement is to remind you to play! The kind Australian pastor that convinced me to relax and do some reading, later graciously encouraged me to go play! All I could think of was how I wanted to go for a swing. Something about playing on the swings in my childhood recalled fond memories of the freedom found as the wind blew through my hair and the blood coursed through my veins as I went higher and higher to discover new untouched boundaries.

Allowing ourselves to play opens up a child-like spirit of creativity, allowing us to dream as only a child can do. So this week after you have completed your worksheet and determined to accomplish your dream for humanity, put down your paper and pen and run out to the nearest playground, and let your inner child go wild.  Go for a swing! Play! Ride the local carousel! Treat yourself to an ice cream! Tap into the supernatural reservoir of joy and energy that is resonant within.

Remember: Learn to establish rhythms in your life for true success and prosperity. You will need these in order to go the long haul. No orchestra ever created a masterful symphony without first tuning the instruments!

Diligence vs Discouragement

As you pursue your dream, let time work for you by developing, training, practicing, praying and rehearsing. Develop a daily routine that will help you accomplish your life’s goals.

Take a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is the most important habit I can establish in order to reach my desired dream?
  1. What morning routines should I establish in order to be highly productive each day?
  1. What is my most productive time of the day? When should I tackle my creative or administrative tasks?
  1. Utilize a calendar tool such as “Google Calendar” to schedule each day and set a specific wake up and wind down time each day.
  1. Create “Tiny Habits.” This can be as simple as putting the tooth brush on a counter so it is there each morning when you wake up. Tiny Habits—develop new routines in your life each and every day.
  1. Discover the rhythms of life necessary to serve your dream, your family and your God.

Write down three routines right now that you are determined to establish this month.


Think Your Way to the Top

The phrase “Made by Edison, Installed by Barnes” was developed out of a relationship sought after by a young man named Edwin Barnes. With no money, no contacts and no natural reason to be offered a job, let alone a partnership, Barnes was so determined to meet Edison that although he had no money, he traveled on the freight train as “blind baggage.” Edison recounts how this young man showed up looking like a mere tramp. Yet in Barnes’ eyes Edison saw a certain insatiable desire to obtain his goal, so he hired him to sweep the floors. Though a long way from his sought after goal, Barnes swept those floors with intensity, unwilling to lose the chance not only to work for Edison, but to meet his influential friends.

Barnes literally thought himself into relationship with Edison. He was not willing to give up on his idea of partnership with this great inventor. His opportunity came two years later, and as is typical with opportunity, it slid in the back door disguised as defeat.  Edison had invented a new dictating machine, and not one of his current associates saw its potential. Except for Edwin Barnes. Barnes saw the potential of this machine to revolutionize the lifestyle of the business executive, and he set about developing his business plan. So thorough was his plan that Edison could not deny him the opportunity, and Barnes made millions on his first partnership deal.

His success can be attributed to these key habits that he consistently exhibited with great intensity:

  • He knew what he wanted to accomplish;
  • He used the power of imagination to circumvent poverty and other difficulties;
  • He was willing to start at the “bottom” in order to gain know-how and exposure;
  • He created and seized opportunity;
  • He maintained a dogged determination to bring his goal to reality;
  • He worked long hours with concentrated focus for many years to get exactly what he wanted;
  • He talked relatively little and produced big;
  • He was not deterred by ridicule, criticism, setback, or obstacles.

Instilling Vision in Others (Part 2)

Is your dream transferable? Who else will benefit from the majestic view of your dream? Is it motivational? Do you get excited about your dream? If you get excited others will also!

The following questions will help you clarify your dream by crafting a vision statement that identifies your destination, your purpose and your values. Remember these words: Transferable, Memorable and Motivational.

  1. Does your vision statement identify your destination? Where are you going?
  2. Does your vision statement define your purpose? Why do you exist? What greater good will your vision serve
  3. Does your vision statement convey your values? What principles guide your decisions or actions on your journey?
  4. Can your vision be easily captured by your audience?
  5. Is your vision memorable? Use action words and succinct sayings to convey your thoughts. Avoid clichés or overly used statements.
  6. And remember this. Is your vision motivational? Ask that question. It should be inspiring. If no one is excited about your vision you may not be effectively communicating.

Three things to remember as you continue moving forward with your dream:

Be Tenacious—toward your goal, tenacity is a firm grip on the future you have seen with the eye of your faith and in the heart of your imagination.

Be Gracious—not everyone is with your on your journey! Certainly many won’t believe and some will even question your motivation! Be gracious. You will win them over in the long run, and even if you don’t, the fruit of your actions will prove the wisdom of your decisions. With your actions, remember never to sweat the small stuff that goes wrong or the small distractions from the faithless around you. Stay with God; stay on principle; stay focused; be gracious. Today you can decide: I will be gracious to those who stand in the way of my dream! I will not allow the voice of negativity to halt my dreams!

And last: Be Spacious—make room for others. Include those you want to take along with you on the journey. No one likes going it alone! Dream big enough to include others in your dream. When others realize there is room for them they will join the team. Ask yourself, Who can I include? Are you living in a desert or near the vast ocean of abundant possibility? You may be in a desert, but can you see the Oasis!

Go to my website and download your free “LIVE YOUR DREAM” worksheets!

Instilling Vision in Others (Part 1)

For the next two days we will learn the importance of instilling vision in others. I want to look briefly at three words: Magnetic, Magnanimous and Majestic.

Is your vision MAGNETIC? Is it attracting interest from others? Is it drawing resources to you?

Regardless of your socio-economic status, the world around you has extra resources looking to be employed, and your vision will provide a roadmap for those resources and people to travel along.

Ask yourself, What am I attracting to my vision? Is it what I want? Is it what I am expecting?

Your second word: MAGNANIMOUS.  Are you generous of spirit? It will take quite a bit of generosity of spirit, time, and talent to get you to your destination. The word magnanimous means to be royal in nature, noble in character, and capable of gracious behavior. Are you forgiving, charitable? Learn to think like nobility. You will need these characteristics when friends, family, and those you have trusted fail you on the pathway to your dream.

The result of being magnanimous is that you won’t sweat the small stuff…that’s what happens when you know who you are and when you know where you are headed. And you are made for royalty! You are made for DESTINY!

The third word: MAJESTIC. Is your dream memorable? This word asks, “What value will my dream add to others and to society?”

IS your dream quantifiable? What great results do you anticipate? How many people will you help? How much income will it generate? What great issue in society are you addressing?

Personally, I have a goal to feed and educate 12,000 children daily to improve the lifestyle of one billion people through education and training. I want you to think about your goals and then quantify them—be specific!

Go to my website and download your free “LIVE YOUR DREAM” worksheets!


A Toolbox of Practical Resources Part 3

Today we complete your toolbox with the final tool to help you on your journey to realizing your goals and aspirations with confidence!

Tool #3: Track Your Progress!

Journal writing is one of the best tools for organizing mental clutter, by capturing thoughts and emotions in writing. After my mentor’s wife of 53 years passed away, he began documenting their life together and the “WHY?” behind her early demise. “When I finished writing this book,” he said, “I knew I was ready to move forward. I was healed.”

You can create different journals for different parts of your journey. One may be for personal healing and insight, while another may be an “idea journal” reserved for capturing inspiration.

How do you use an idea journal? Keep a small notebook in your purse or pocket and jot down your ideas throughout the day. Often during quiet moments of reflection, you’ll find your written ideas weave an interesting tapestry.

Early morning is another vital time for journaling your thoughts! Keep a notepad by your bed—I like to call mine my morning ‘think-pad.’ Glean these early thoughts before a child or a morning hello interrupts your clarity. Never minimize the importance of capturing these early thoughts! Your heart and mind are working while you sleep, planning life’s journey! Start each day with your idea journal, capturing your morning revelation.

If you need to simplify, an electronic journal, cellphone or voice recorder can help you record your fresh ideas and the answers to your soul-searching questions!

A Toolbox of Practical Resources Part 2

Today we continue equipping your toolbox with tools that will help free you from mental clutter and keep you motivated toward achieving your aspirations!

Tool #2: Try a New Activity! 

I am constantly learning! Why? Despite all the information we have at our fingertips, one of life’s greatest obstacles is the fear of the unknown.

Information is power to change, and education is one of the greatest sources of personal growth! The electronic age allows access for skilled and unskilled, alike. I learn through internet articles, professional journals, on-line courses and personal coaches.

What have you wanted to do but were afraid to attempt? Overcome that fear by trying ONE new activity! Why not go back to school? Or take an on-line course? Having trouble getting started? Find a coach or trainer who can motivate you in your new activity. Many free on-line training and coaching tools are available!

Are you low on funds? Become a volunteer! You can often learn a new skill while volunteering at places needing help. Volunteering has been one of my greatest learning methods! It’s totally free, it only costs your time.  Get busy—you CAN do something now!

A Toolbox of Practical Resources Part 1

Have you ever lost an inspirational idea? Or, have you ever felt trapped in your own mental clutter? During the next three days I want to share some tips that will keep you motivated toward achieving your aspirations! Let’s get started equipping our toolbox!

Tool #1: Take a Personality Test

Personality tests can identify how we function in stressful environments, how we approach practical problem solving, whether we are competitive in nature, how well we work in teams, as well as pinpointing our best career choices. For my English speaking friends, I recommend the Kendall Life Languages test at This test identifies communication style and recommends related career paths.

The internet offers many resources such as, providing a full range of psychological assessments that empower you to reach your potential. These include emotional intelligence tests for improving how you lead and interact with people. Recently, I found the Oxford Happiness Test on From curiosity, I took one of their brief personality tests which, not surprisingly, indicated I should be a public speaker!