Soul Searching Questions Part 2

Here are some soul-searching questions to direct you toward discovering both the talent you possess, and the talent you are willing to pay any price to develop!

First, ask yourself the all-important purpose questions.

What do I want to do? What am I passionate about? What brings me joy and fulfillment? Am I living my personal values? Sometimes your very first thought is the answer you have been seeking! Liberate the idea that’s in your heart! Write it down! If you do, you will discover that with a little attention the idea will grow!

Belva Davis, the first black TV journalist in the Western United States said, “Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.”

Second, ask the vital “What If” Questions to Expand Your Horizon. What would I attempt if I knew I couldn’t fail? Most talent remains undeveloped on the trash heap of If only I had…tried that new job, achieved that degree, written that book. What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Think about it. Document your thoughts. Raise your expectations and dare to dream the impossible! You can get out of the box! God-given talent and desires have been placed within you to impact the world for GOOD!

According to success coach, Brian Tracy, “the key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear.” These ‘what if’ questions will help you Identify your fears and expand your boundaries! President Franklin D. Roosevelt is famously quoted as saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Third, Ask Others Their Perspective to Gain Insight

Who knows you better than your family and closest friends? Ask a friend, family member or co-worker what they perceive as your strongest characteristic, special gifting or unique ability. Write down the names of at least two people you can consult with.

Self-awareness is having a clear perception of your strengths and your weaknesses. You might be surprised at what you discover when you give others the permission to speak into your world! Remember: People pleasers will tell you what you want to hear. A true friend will tell you what you need to hear!


Soul Searching Questions Part 1

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why don’t I have the talent I need? If I did, I’d accomplish my goals much faster!” However, I’ve discovered that talent is never enough!  I was reminded of this during a long writing session preparing for my training seminars. It just seemed that though I love writing, if I were really good at it I would do it much faster. But I have learned in over 25 years of inspiring spiritual leaders, business people and the general public, that there are no short cuts in life! Only determined, hard work focused on a quality outcome with intentional effort will produce results that set you apart from the pack.

What is hard work? It’s not just lifting a 100-pound package or moving a pallet of bricks with your bare hands. NO! It is the discipline required to remain focused and meet your deadlines. Movie producer Stephen King says, “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”

What is a quality outcome? It is creating something worthy of your approval, knowing that you gave it your very best! It is working and reworking that piece so it stands out above the rest. It is being willing to re-edit, again and again, your thoughts and dreams! It is raising the bar and setting your goal even higher when you think you’ve already finished!

What is intentional effort? It is deliberately putting your energy levels to the test when your body, your mind and even your friends say, “Ah, you can finish tomorrow,” or “is this really worth all the effort?”

Tomorrow I will be asking some “Soul-Searching Questions” that will direct you toward discovering both the talent you possess, and the talent you are willing to pay any price to develop!

Creativity Questions Part 2

Today we continue asking some questions to help inspire the creativity in your heart:

Fourth: How do you create? Ponder these questions: Are you an avid reader? Do you enjoy researching your subject? Get busy absorbing and discovering ideas for your creative passion!

Fifth: Who helps you create? Do you work best when collaborating with others? Does a team stimulate your creativity? What talented individuals have you included in your creative process?

Sixth: Where do you best create?  To answer this question let’s briefly review our CULTIVATE YOUR CREATIVITY series:

Your Environment can stimulate Creativity: Your 5 senses are a great gateway for creativity!

Adversity can be a Catalyst for your Creativity: Remember, having problems is not the issue, but thinking your life should be without problems is…

Next, recognize that the Power of a Positive Thought can open your future to bright possibilities!

Acknowledge that Creativity IS a Cognitive Thought Process: You can develop discipline of thought to master your creativity.

Remember: Stimulate Your Creativity to ACTION. A sense of urgency will motivate your creativity! Times of crisis can cultivate your creativity!

Creativity Questions Part 1

Why do you create? When do you create? What do you create? How do you create and where do you create? Answering these questions can ultimately alter your attitude toward creativity!

Creativity requires both inspiration and discipline. Here are some questions for you to consider. Take a sheet of paper and jot down your thoughts and responses:

First: Why do you create? What is your purpose? Do you create for the applause of the crowd? Or to be the center of attention? Certainly, the attention will fade and focus will be redirected towards someone else.

Second: What are your creating? This is where your project begins and where practicality adds definition to your creativity. Value your ideas. Record your thoughts. Celebrate small milestones! Go to my Live Your Dream series to help YOU further develop your dream!

Third: When do you create? Many people wait for a moment of inspiration to create. Professional writers know that each day they must create. Professionals work to deadline – NOT to pleasure!

REMEMBER: YOU create the habit and the repetition forms the creativity. Ask yourself what habits of creativity work best for you? Do you find yourself most creative in the morning or in the evening?  The Bottom Line: Know your own body rhythms and develop disciplines that support your creativity!

Live On Purpose!

As a young businesswoman I remember sitting at my desk after having just received accolades for a very successful business deal that people of my age seldom experienced.

The president of the bank and my peers thought it was amazing, yet I sat there thinking, “I’ve obtained what people seek after for years…but is this what I want to do with the rest of my life??”

As I was pondering this decision the phone rang. It was a local pastor calling, and I remember telling him, “Funny you should call right now…I am pondering what to do with the rest of my life.” I recall his words so clearly.  He simply said, “Let peace be the umpire of your heart.”

Hanging up the phone, I leaned back and thought, “Stay here? For the rest of my life?” NO joy, NO Peace! And in that moment I decided to pursue a second career. Perhaps today, you need courage to follow your heart.

Consider this: My mother-in-law always said, work at your career for 5 years, and if you find yourself bored, then do something else. Her observation: boredom was the great thief of happiness.

Life is too short to be bored!

You Need A Dream Team!

When God gives you a dream He gives you a partnership to go along with that dream! You can’t go it alone – any dream worth accomplishing requires people in order to accomplish it.

“But I never have good success working with people!” you might say.  In reality, as long as there are people on this earth you will always have problems! The real opportunity before you is to learn to lead people, and learn to anticipate problems. You can’t go it alone! Isolation is the enemy of many a dream and the elephant in the room for many a dreamer.

You don’t need an audience cheering you on, but one friend, one associate can certainly provide ample encouragement when you face life’s struggles. You need a DREAM TEAM that will support you as you move forward!

Building Your Dream Team

How do you build your dream team? Before considering a new team member, here are a few questions to ask:

-Does the person I am considering for my team believe in my ability to succeed?

-Does this potential team member respect me, the vision and the existing team?

-Do their skills complement mine?

-Is this person emotionally responsible for their intents and actions?

-Do they have initiative?

-Do they positively energize me and the team?

-Do we have fun together when we dream together?

If your new team member meets these standards, then I believe you are on the right path!

God Is For Us!

What new thoughts have you embraced on this way of prosperity? What principles of wealth do you know?

– God has given us Power (or ability) to obtain wealth.

– The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.

– The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

– The Lord will open to you His good treasure.

– The Lord shall command His blessing upon you in all that you set your hand to.

Take an ACTION step today! Look for an idea to bless someone! Think on this idea! Rehearse the idea and then YOU make the idea a reality! Remember, if God is for you who can be against you?

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 10:22 NIV, Psalm 35:27, Deuteronomy 28:12, Deuteronomy 28:8, Romans 8:31

Diligence Vs Discouragement

Most dreams are not lost to economic circumstance or unbelief, but time without evidence of fulfillment brings discouragement.  Discouragement is the precursor to confusion, and confusion will only undermine self-confidence. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

Remember:  Let time work for you by developing, training, practicing, praying and rehearsing. Develop a daily routine that will help you accomplish your life’s goals.  Take a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is the most important habit I can establish in order to reach my desired dream?
  1. What morning routines should I establish in order to be highly productive each day?
  1. What is my most productive time of the day? When should I tackle my creative or administrative tasks?


Quote:  “All achievement, all earned riches have their beginning in an idea.” – Napolean Hill

Napolean Hill knew something of success as he interviewed 500 of the leading business people in the early 20th century. In his book “Think and Grow Rich,” Hill identifies the key characteristic necessary for development of true riches – it’s summarized in one word: THINK.

Have you ever studied the importance of your thoughts to this degree? Have you ever considered how important your mind is? Have you ever pondered just how powerful an idea or thought can truly be?  Why not get busy today and think your way to the top, and open a door to a new tomorrow!