As you pursue your dream, let time work for you by developing, training, practicing, praying and rehearsing. Develop a daily routine that will help you accomplish your life’s goals.
Take a few minutes and ask yourself these questions:
- What is the most important habit I can establish in order to reach my desired dream?
- What morning routines should I establish in order to be highly productive each day?
- What is my most productive time of the day? When should I tackle my creative or administrative tasks?
- Utilize a calendar tool such as “Google Calendar” to schedule each day and set a specific wake up and wind down time each day.
- Create “Tiny Habits.” This can be as simple as putting the tooth brush on a counter so it is there each morning when you wake up. Tiny Habits—develop new routines in your life each and every day.
- Discover the rhythms of life necessary to serve your dream, your family and your God.
Write down three routines right now that you are determined to establish this month.
The phrase “Made by Edison, Installed by Barnes” was developed out of a relationship sought after by a young man named Edwin Barnes. With no money, no contacts and no natural reason to be offered a job, let alone a partnership, Barnes was so determined to meet Edison that although he had no money, he traveled on the freight train as “blind baggage.” Edison recounts how this young man showed up looking like a mere tramp. Yet in Barnes’ eyes Edison saw a certain insatiable desire to obtain his goal, so he hired him to sweep the floors. Though a long way from his sought after goal, Barnes swept those floors with intensity, unwilling to lose the chance not only to work for Edison, but to meet his influential friends.
Barnes literally thought himself into relationship with Edison. He was not willing to give up on his idea of partnership with this great inventor. His opportunity came two years later, and as is typical with opportunity, it slid in the back door disguised as defeat. Edison had invented a new dictating machine, and not one of his current associates saw its potential. Except for Edwin Barnes. Barnes saw the potential of this machine to revolutionize the lifestyle of the business executive, and he set about developing his business plan. So thorough was his plan that Edison could not deny him the opportunity, and Barnes made millions on his first partnership deal.
His success can be attributed to these key habits that he consistently exhibited with great intensity:
- He knew what he wanted to accomplish;
- He used the power of imagination to circumvent poverty and other difficulties;
- He was willing to start at the “bottom” in order to gain know-how and exposure;
- He created and seized opportunity;
- He maintained a dogged determination to bring his goal to reality;
- He worked long hours with concentrated focus for many years to get exactly what he wanted;
- He talked relatively little and produced big;
- He was not deterred by ridicule, criticism, setback, or obstacles.
How do you build your dream team? Before considering a new team member, here are a few of the questions I ask:
- Does the person I am considering for my team believe in my ability to succeed?
- Does this potential team member respect me, the vision, and the existing team?
- Do their skills complement mine?
- Is this person emotionally responsible for their intents and their actions?
- Do they have initiative?
- Do they positively energize me and the team?
- Do we have fun together when we dream together?
I want to encourage you to get out your Live Your Dream booklet and take some time to begin working through the questions. Meditate and reflect, and you will see good things begin to happen in your life! If you don’t have your copy yet, go to my website and download your free “LIVE YOUR DREAM” worksheets!
Ask yourself these questions. Is my dream audacious? Large enough to cast shade for others? Does it challenge me and challenge others to get involved? Is it measurable? Can individuals who are interested find a place to join me on the route to my destination?
Success is for those who go it alone, but we find true significance as we include others in our dream. Remember, you are cutting a pathway through the forest, a highway in the desert for others to follow. You are created to promote possibility, pursue with excellence and synchronize strategies for the hope of humanity!
What questions should you ask as you craft your vision statement? Let’s think about this for a moment. Your ability to attract the talent required to complete your strengths is key in initiating your vision! Why? Your vision statement is where you invite people to participate and associate. A big dream is exciting and provides harbor for like-minded individuals. It is not, however, enough to attract people. A big dream requires clarity to both convince people of your potential, and initiate confidence that you can be trusted. Not only must your dream make room for others, it must provide clarity! Your vision statement will identify the problem you wish to address, challenge the status quo, and illuminate a direction!
Ask yourself this question: Is my dream clear? Clearly stated goals with well thought out strategic steps will provide clarity and refine your dream for your audience. A clear strategy requires identifying not only the strengths, but also the possible weaknesses you will face. When others perceive your dream they can realize it with you! If you can see it you can seize it!
With a dream of 100 tents you would think our friends and associates would have been excited! But in reality, no one on our team in Russia believed. Initially, many Russians thought we were crazy and wondered, who were those crazy Americans?
But we had a vision in our hearts! We did our research and found the facts, we communicated our dream and made plans for the possible delays we might face as we raised the funds for this new undertaking.
By breaking down our dream into logical steps we were able to sustain ourselves in the difficult times. Clarity in your vision statement and in your plans will allow you to move forward when others are still questioning the value of your dream.
Have you ever had an idea that family and friends seemed to think did not fit your future? Get that dream out today, dust it off, refine it and begin dreaming again! Remember, dreams are created a size too big for us to grow into—but with careful planning and execution you will succeed!
I recall when my husband and I wanted to purchase a tent for Eurasia. We were excited because our mentor, Dr. TL Osborn, had been telling the people of the former Soviet countries to purchase tents to help the churches begin new churches.
WOW! It looked like we had an idea from God. But when we met with our mentor his response to us was, “Well, that’s not God.” Then he asked, “How many republics, nations, and regions are there in the ex-Soviet territories?” We knew the answer to that question was a little over 100, so our response to his question was easy: “We need 100 tents!”
Immediately our mentor responded, “Now THAT’S an idea big enough for God to get involved with!”
We thought we had a big dream with one tent that cost $25,000, but what we soon discovered was that 100 tents made room for many organizations and people from around the globe to dream along with us! Now, over 15 years later, we have 70 tents in that region and two small factories producing tents! If your dream is big enough, you can make room for others to join you in your dream!
Click here to see our vision now!
In 2010, an award-winning historical British film called “The King’s Speech” documented the life of King George the VI of Great Britain. He was known as the stuttering king and dreaded public speaking; a responsibility every monarch was expected to do often and do well. In 1925 he gave a closing speech at Wembley Stadium in London. The speech was a terrible ordeal for both him and his listeners as he stuttered through it with lengthy pauses. Everyone waited for it to end.
Psychologists tell us anyone can stutter if pushed too far. A very stressful situation or a very aggressive interrogation or conversation can cause a person to stutter, however, most children grow out of it. King George did not grow out of his childhood stuttering and required intensive therapy.
In 1939, as Germany threatened to invade England, King George rallied his strength, rose above his difficulties, and found the resolve to inspire the nation as England declared war on Hitler. With the help of Australian born speech therapist, Lionel Logue, he conquered his disability and courageously stirred the people of Great Britain to action.
I want you to know that miracles are available today, yet King George discovered practical tools to overcome his stuttering and dislike of public speaking.
Whether you are in search of a miracle or practical tools, I encourage you today go to my website: We are here to help you, and have made tools available to you that can change your life!
One afternoon a young Russian man by the name of Ildus approached the platform in one of our outdoor events. This young man was so excited he could hardly wait to tell others what God had done for him. I was speaking when Ildus decided it was time to share his story. Ildus was so full of joy! He was pointing at his heart as if to say, “I am not alone—something has happened in my heart!”
Just as Ildus opened his mouth to speak, my husband arrived at the meeting. This young man was now grunting into the microphone pointing at his heart. I remember my husband looking at me as if to say, why is this guy on the platform? He’s not normal and he can’t speak!
Have you ever felt rejected because you are different? Or because you lack skills that other people seem to come by easily? I know that Ildus felt all alone and had little to live for. He’d been rejected by his family and was living on the streets; rummaging through garbage and wandering around aimlessly. In fact, one of our team members had just taken him into his own home.
The next evening, as my husband was speaking, Ildus once again approached the platform. Several of us were attempting to get my husband’s attention, because something very different was about to unfold! Kevin kept telling them not to give Ildus the mic, but finally we prevailed. When Ildus took the microphone, he began to speak in perfect Russian! He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card to show the audience. We were shocked to learn that it was his special medical ID, and that he was classified as having the most severe level of mental retardation!
He looked at the crowd and said, “You know me, I am the guy that begs from the trash cans—but something happened to me last night! Jesus came into my room while I was sleeping and put His finger on my forehead and on my tongue. For the first time in my life the fog has cleared from my mind! For the first time in my life I can think and speak clearly!”
Regardless of your situation, today you can rise above whatever holds you back and discover that you have a friend with God. He will come to you today and reconcile what distresses you. Just say these simple words with me, “Come into my life, Lord, and release me from the fear that holds me back. Like Ildus, heal my heart and touch my mind.” If you would like more information on miracles, please contact us today. We are waiting to hear from you!
Is your dream transferable? Who else will benefit from the majestic view of your dream? Is it motivational? Do you get excited about your dream? If you get excited others will also!
The following questions will help you clarify your dream by crafting a vision statement that identifies your destination, your purpose and your values. Remember these words: Transferable, Memorable and Motivational.
- Does your vision statement identify your destination? Where are you going?
- Does your vision statement define your purpose? Why do you exist? What greater good will your vision serve
- Does your vision statement convey your values? What principles guide your decisions or actions on your journey?
- Can your vision be easily captured by your audience?
- Is your vision memorable? Use action words and succinct sayings to convey your thoughts. Avoid clichés or overly used statements.
- And remember this. Is your vision motivational? Ask that question. It should be inspiring. If no one is excited about your vision you may not be effectively communicating.
Three things to remember as you continue moving forward with your dream:
Be Tenacious—toward your goal, tenacity is a firm grip on the future you have seen with the eye of your faith and in the heart of your imagination.
Be Gracious—not everyone is with your on your journey! Certainly many won’t believe and some will even question your motivation! Be gracious. You will win them over in the long run, and even if you don’t, the fruit of your actions will prove the wisdom of your decisions. With your actions, remember never to sweat the small stuff that goes wrong or the small distractions from the faithless around you. Stay with God; stay on principle; stay focused; be gracious. Today you can decide: I will be gracious to those who stand in the way of my dream! I will not allow the voice of negativity to halt my dreams!
And last: Be Spacious—make room for others. Include those you want to take along with you on the journey. No one likes going it alone! Dream big enough to include others in your dream. When others realize there is room for them they will join the team. Ask yourself, Who can I include? Are you living in a desert or near the vast ocean of abundant possibility? You may be in a desert, but can you see the Oasis?
Go to my website and download your free “LIVE YOUR DREAM” worksheets!
For the next two days we will learn the importance of instilling vision in others. I want to look briefly at three words: Magnetic, Magnanimous and Majestic.
Is your vision MAGNETIC? Is it attracting interest from others? Is it drawing resources to you?
Regardless of your socio-economic status, the world around you has extra resources looking to be employed, and your vision will provide a roadmap for those resources and people to travel along.
Ask yourself, What am I attracting to my vision? Is it what I want? Is it what I am expecting?
Your second word: MAGNANIMOUS. Are you generous of spirit? It will take quite a bit of generosity of spirit, time, and talent to get you to your destination. The word magnanimous means to be royal in nature, noble in character, and capable of gracious behavior. Are you forgiving, charitable? Learn to think like nobility. You will need these characteristics when friends, family, and those you have trusted fail you on the pathway to your dream.
The result of being magnanimous is that you won’t sweat the small stuff…that’s what happens when you know who you are and when you know where you are headed. And you are made for royalty! You are made for DESTINY!
The third word: MAJESTIC. Is your dream memorable? This word asks, “What value will my dream add to others and to society?”
IS your dream quantifiable? What great results do you anticipate? How many people will you help? How much income will it generate? What great issue in society are you addressing?
Personally, I have a goal to feed and educate 12,000 children daily to improve the lifestyle of one billion people through education and training. I want you to think about your goals and then quantify them—be specific!
Go to my website and download your free “LIVE YOUR DREAM” worksheets!