How Do I Qualify My Dream?

What measurements or parameters can you put in place to evaluate the dream that is in your heart? 

I like to begin with a LITMUS test. What is a litmus test? In this application a litmus test establishes parameters that help us to make a judgment about whether our dream is acceptable. It will help you establish a solid-foundation for defining your dream by asking three important questions. Look for Questions #2 & #3 in later blogs.

Question #1:   Is My Dream Good for God? This is a simple, yet profound question that allows you to value your dream. I can tell you that God’s will is not a mystery or drudgery. Knowing God’s will produces confidence! When you can say, “my dream is within the will of God,” it is as if God Himself is saying this must be done.

How else might we ask the question: Is My Dream Good for God? Give these questions a try:

  1. What would God want me to do to better or improve the world around me?
  2. What is His highest and best will for my life?
  3. What is in my heart in abundance? Ancient scripture says, that God gives us the desires of our heart. Or rather, he puts the “His” desires in our heart. (Ps 37:4)

(Excerpted from the Live Your Dream- 7 Step Dream Sheets – download here)

Beginning to Dream

Have you ever wondered, how do I begin living my dream? Maybe you’ve thought, How can I dream when I am so busy and have so many responsibilities? Or perhaps you have an idea, but you might ask… Where do I find the inspiration to begin? Or… What do I do with the inspiration that I feel?”

REMEMBER: DREAMS need an action plan and strategic intention in order to move forward. A dream of the heart without a plan, simply put, is nothing more than a fantasy.  To become reality, dreams must be accompanied by a plan of action! But don’t worry! That’s why I have created my Live Your Dream –7 Step Dream Sheets. For a limited time only, they are free. This workbook has helped many people just like you open the door to a new future! Take some time today and download my free gift to you!

In English: Live Your Dream- 7 Step Dream Sheets

In Telegu: Live Your Dream -7 Step Dream Sheets 


Keep Moving!

Quote:  “In 40 years I’ve realized that the payments required for reaching a dream never stop. The higher you want to go the more you must give up and the greater price you pay, the greater joy you feel when you finally reach your dream!” – John Maxwell

Keep the Dream alive whatever it takes!  Ask these questions: How long before I succeed? What if I fail on my first attempt?

Look for incremental progress, because it always takes longer than you expect!  Don’t live in the desire for completion, live in the reality of incremental change.  As long as you are moving forward you are making progress!



Dare To Dream!

At 11 years old, Kevin McNulty imagined himself playing on the tennis courts of WIMBLEDON. His dream sustained him through physical impairments, poverty and an environment where no one believed in him. All the ODDS were AGAINST HIM! Eventually Kevin won several university scholarships, became a junior’s tennis champion, captain of the university’s tennis team, and was recently recognized as one of the top 25 players in the 100 year history of the Michigan State University tennis program!   Although he never played Wimbledon, HIS DREAM allowed him to soar to heights that no one believed he could reach!

Imagination is unique to humanity…to every individual who dares to dream!

Dare to Dream! Dare to soar with your imagination!